P. Chigi, short life for futures contracts, protections extended to temporary workers


Rome, July 2nd. (AdnKronos) – Short-term life for temporary contracts and extension to temporary workers of the same protection as other workers. According to Palazzo Chigi sources, these are some of the highlights of the Dignit Decree that the Council of Ministers is about to launch. On fixed-term contracts, we go from 36 months to 12 months for no reason. After 12 months, it can only be renewed for a maximum of 12 months, but with the obligation to indicate the reason for payment. The possibility of extending the futures contract decreases from 5 to 4. "We will make the use of the futures contract more and more expensive," explain the sources themselves.

So stop, to wild layoffs and this through the 50% increase in compensation for workers unfairly dismissed. In case of dismissal without just cause, the compensation of the worker can go up to 36 months. "More protection for workers without penalizing honest entrepreneurs," the sources said.

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