Padova Pride, Lorenzo Damiano indecency and blasphemy


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The day after the demonstration of gay pride in Padua, the Venetian representative of the People of the Family, Lorenzo Damiano, already founder of the Fishermen of Peace, commented on the parade: "We have heard of rights, we have heard of pride, but we have witnessed indecent shows all over Italy that have nothing to do with homophobia and the claim of who knows what : personally, it seemed to me more the clearance of obscene shows This is unacceptable because it is unacceptable to allow people to see naked people, with obscene writings in the middle of the public square without protecting children and families from certain uneasiness that were seen and read, ashamed.


Damiano, a candidate in Veneto for Politics, thanked the Venetian Region President, Luca Zaia who sponsored the event and closed: "Without shame some participants of this event have teased and offended millions of Christians around the world, taking advantage of this event to elevate their hatred against the Christian religion and against Jesus., some cities of Italy were chosen from Pompeii, where faith in the Madonna is known, or Padua, known in the world as the city of the Holy.The strong powers that run through the ranks of these obscenities leave nothing to chance.If you noticed, in fact, many participants came forward with inverted crosses, mocking sacred images or symbols, or even praising Satan.I tell me what rights have to do with it.The gay world distances itself from some obscenities and disrespects.The Church he makes his values ​​heard and defended ".

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