The former director of Tuttosport, Giancarlo Padovan, spoke of the expected challenge between Juventus and Milan at the microphones of ilmilanista.it. Here are his considerations:
On Juventus-Milan: "It will all depend on who will play in the competition, as Milan have absences that are Donnarumma and Paquetà, but the real question is how Juve will play." First for injury, then for Wednesday's match with Ajax Juve can afford a remodeled training and Allegri will rest some important games, partly experimental, even if they are still competitive, as in Cagliari. championship, Juve-Milan is not a match in the cartel.In fact, it is a match that has value only for Milan even if – as the supporters of Juve say – beat Milan is always a satisfaction .. But the popular feeling for this specific challenge is very low, there is no substance, the race only counts for a part.The turnover? Yes, I think so Why risk the players? He will not play with Primavera but will be reworked. clear that those who take the field will do it to bring the points back home. "
On the possibility of the coup de Milan to Allianz: "Milan must try because it is an important occasion, if you do not try Saturday, I do not see when you can do it. Paquetà and Donnarumma are absent, but Kessie comes back and in the goal, there will be an expert player like Reina, but it's a Milan who plays badly, who has scored one point in the last three games, very few. can see it for the purpose of Udinese, you are experiencing problems of balance.You can never reach it.The moment is not the happiest and there is also the fear of not being able to do it: Inter has resumed its race, Lazio seemed true, but beware of Atalanta that tonight could win and put pressure on Milan must absolutely try the shot, otherwise it will challenge a long time » .
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