Palagiustizia Bari: The embarrassment, the fight and the excuses of Minister Bonafede


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The Bari Palace of Justice does not find peace. After the order of expulsion for the risk of collapse of the old court and the "shock" of transfer of clbadrooms under the curtains in the shadow of Ponte Adriatico the new controversy that bursts bursts Minister Alfonso Bonafede for the strict liability: the property identified, for the new transfer, would be the property of an individual suspected of lending money to criminal mafia organizations

  bonafede palagiustizia

The impression is that the Chamber of Deputies he did not expect anything else The brawl immediately broke out, with l & rsquo; Opening of work on the news with the hypothesis of the property suspected of the building, advanced by Repubblica . absence of Minister Bonafe

The representatives of Forza Italia and the Democratic Party will be the leaders of the protest choir. From Maria Stella Gelmini – leader of Forza Italia – who points to the "leak" of the Minister's Room, until Pierantonio Zanettin (FI) who threatens obstructionism . From the former Guardasigilli dem Andrea Orlando who has time to ask the majority to stop "In your interest to get out of your business with your head up", up to Marcello Gemmato (Fratelli d'Italia) who urges the Minister of Justice: "It takes a confrontation with the minister to immediately clear up the shadows that gather on the Palagiustizia of Bari".

  Corteo 27 05 stefanì

A first response of Alfonso Bonafede has been broadcast on his Facebook profile: "" The procedure of identification of the property intended to house the judicial offices of Bari has made in full respect of the rules, in a public and totally transparent way. The commission awarded to those who got the highest score and everything started checks required by law. Following what I learned from press sources, I asked for further study. I remind everyone that the decree-law in question in the House does not concern the transfer of the building, but the suspension of conditions to allow the dismantling of the tents. "

Only in the afternoon the minister, " obtorto collo " will be forced to return to the House to apologize to Parliament for having bypbaded on social networks: "Since I did not remember a clbad so sensitive to corruption problems," Bonafede begins with irony.I reaffirm that for me the news published by the News from Bari are not irrelevant. I sent offices to make all necessary details in addition to those already made and provided for by a law approved by the Democratic Party. [email protected]).

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