Palagiustizia uninhabitable in Bari, Bonafede: "A working group to speed up notifications"


"We will not leave chancellors alone with thousands of notifications, we think of a working group that will facilitate and accelerate this task." That's what Justice Minister Alfonso Bonafede said on Facebook after the dismantling of the tent camp set up a month ago in Bari to celebrate the adjournment hearings. the criminal proceedings after the declaration of unavailability of Palagiustizia in Via Nazariantz. 19659002] "We have removed the curtains – writes Bonafede – Yesterday the civil protection dismantled the city of the tent at the court of Bari following the decree taken by the government to suspend the procedure until 30 September next". "A measure whose urgency was dictated precisely by the unacceptable situation in which justice was administered in Bari: in tents, between tropical heat, mosquitoes, floods, a place – said the minister – in which it was only possible, not to celebrate the trials, in which the writing "The law is the same for all was printed on a loose leaf attached to a bench with tape." Right to represent the precariousness of the Administration of justice at this place. " [19459007"Unesituationhumiliantepourtous"poursuitBonafede"delacommunautéjudiciaireauxcitoyensnousavonsmisfinàcettesituationc'étaitlepremierengagementquej'aiprisentantqueministreetnousl'avonsachevé"Urgencenoustravaillonsàdonneruncoffre-fortauxbureauxdelajusticedeBarietcapablesd'accueillirtouteslessectionsetlestechniciensduministèrefontdéjàlesinspections"

" And, contrary to what someone & # 39; a claims – concludes the Minister of the Post – The justice does not stop in Bari: all the urgent measures (trial with the prisoners, those for the mafia and the terrorism, the validation of the arrests) will always be carried out. I have already said before and I repeat: the controversies do not interest me, there is so much work and I focus only on that. "

Inail, the owner of Palagiustizia at via Nazariantz in Bari, during this time challenged in front of the Tar Puglia the order with which the Municipality of Bari, on May 31 last, declared the unavailability of the property ordering the eviction before August 31 and which provides, to the detriment of the same property, the costs related to the lightening of plans and departure, according to Inail, of the Department of Justice.

L & rsquo; Call risk to extend the time to move In a permanent conference, the City reiterated the need to release the building, underlining the risk that, in the absence of expulsion, an immediate expulsion must be carried out According to Inail's lawyers, it is "illogical" that the provisions regarding the transfer of documentation, archives and furniture from the floors upwards to the basement level and then their transfer to another location , are in the property of good, also dealing extensively with legal documents and therefore confidential and sensitive documents

For Inail the obligations stemming from the need to guarantee public security must be badumed by the occupier (the Ministry of Justice) and not by the owner. The agency recalls, among other things, that the lease has expired and that the ministry actually occupies the property without title.

In the introduction, in fact, explains that the construction jurisdiction he pbaded from the municipality to the ministry, in September 2015, the property no longer received the rental allowance, accumulating credits for a total of 3.6 million euros. In the meantime, extraordinary maintenance work has also been done, costing the company more than 2 million euros

. Last May, no payment having been received, Inail continued the ministry in the civil court. With the appeal, l'Inail now asks the administrative courts to annul the order of the City of Bari, after granting the preventive suspension of the provision or, at least, that it was it is modified by charging the ministry.

Immediate response The mayor of Bari, Antonio Decaro: "The municipality has issued this order not closing but an evacuation planned to allow the continuation of judicial activities.Inail's appeal can stop this way, Forcing us to make an immediate expulsion. "For this reason, at the Standing Conference, we asked for a coordination table, – said the mayor – so that all interested parties could actively collaborate to proceed with the eviction and release the building on time".

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