Palermo, 426 million euros for 4 new tram lines, has confirmed the section of Via Libertà


An amount of 426 million euros is planned for the new tram lines of Palermo. Or at least they will arrive. The city council has approved an amendment to the three-year public works plan to allocate 426 million euros from various sources for the construction of four tram lines of the new tramway plan and badociated car parks. On the other hand, the amendment was withdrawn for the three other lines envisaged, accepting a request for opposition and having received a favorable opinion from the municipal council. Thus, the project to create line D (Orléans – Bonagia station), line F (via Duca della Verdura – Central Station) and line G (extension of line 1, connecting the central station to Sferracavallo) is frozen.

On the other hand, section "A" has been confirmed, extension of the existing line 1 connecting the central station to the stadium via Via Roma and Via Libertà; section "B": extension of existing line 1, from Notarbartolo station to Via Duca della Verdura; section "C", extension of the existing line 4 from the Calatafimi bridge to the central station and the "E1" section of the place De Gasperi to the Stazione Francia (correspondence with the Pbadante railway). About two hundred million come from the Pact for the South, fifty of the Region, specifically for parking. The remaining share comes from the resources released and co-financing envisaged by the private sector.

The President of the Planning Commission, Giovanni Lo Cascio, accepted a request from the opposition and, with the favorable opinion of the Giunta, withdrew a second amendment to declare the three lines compliance with the plan. "The withdrawal of this amendment – says the councilor for urban and urban revitalization, Emilio Arcuri – does not exclude the possibility of participating on December 31 in the national call for additional funding and for which we will all prepare the necessary documents".

Claiming "a political victory" opposition: "Today, in court, I asked the majority, acknowledging the perplexities of several opposition counselors led by Counselor Argiroffi , to withdraw the amendment to insert the tram lines in the three-year plan of the Press Conference.Public works as a gesture of political respect for our positions – says the leader of the brave Fabrizio Ferrandelli – is not only an act of opposition to the new lines, expressed repeatedly in our election campaign with an alternative and sustainable mobility plan, a reasoning to integrate each provision of this nature into the general regulatory plan and the sustainable urban mobility plan ".

The majority is of different opinion. "The majority in the plenary agreed to withdraw the amendment concerning the four tram lines not financed by the pact for Palermo, in the certainty that these will be inserted immediately in Pums, the urban planning of the sustainable mobility, "said party leader Democrat Dario Chinnici – which will allow the city to participate without problem in the ministerial appeal of the 400 million people needed. The tram remains a priority infrastructure for Palermo to rethink mobility and revive the center.

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