The woman has been saved since 118. Now she is in Villa Sofia, but she is not in danger of life

  Palermo, a jellyfish spades in Mondello: a crisis cardiac for a nurse

An ISMETT nurse rescued from 118. This morning it arrived on the beach of Mondello, where the woman of a jellyfish was struck by a heart attack. A consequence related to anaphylactic shock. Now she is hospitalized in "red code" at Villa Sofia hospital but is not in danger of death. The timely intervention of health workers at Partanna Mondello Station was providential. He accused the disease while he was in the water and, moments later, he began to have the heart rate more and more accelerated. "Unfortunately, we have no station in Mondello – explains Fabio Genco, resuscitator and head of the Trapani-Palermo operations center – in this case, we managed to avoid the worst but in more cases serious, our intervention could be even more timely. At the moment, there are no rooms available to accommodate our staff – Genco continues – but the problem should be resolved urgently. "