Palermo and Catania among the 11 cities in which the Taser is experienced


There are also Palermo and Catania among the 11 cities in which the Taser is experienced, the electric gun supplied to the police. The decree that begins the experimentation of the non-lethal weapon was signed today: besides Palermo and Catania, the tasers will arrive in Milan, Naples, Turin, Bologna, Florence, Padua, Caserta, Reggio Emilia and Brindisi. "It is a non-lethal deterrent weapon – said Interior Minister Matteo Salvini – and its use is an important deterrent, especially for security guards who patrol the streets and go to the streets. find themselves in borderline situations ". The experiment, informs the Viminale, will be entrusted to the police, the Carabinieri and the Guardia di Finanza. Thirty devices to buy, for the moment. The experimental phase will follow a discipline that a specific interforce group is developing and on the basis of which will be trained the men and women of the forces involved in the first phase of use. . The Taser is supplied to the police in about 107 countries, including Canada, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, Kenya and Europe in Finland, France, Germany, Republic Czech Republic, Greece and the United Kingdom. 19659003] province of Catania

province of Palermo
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