Palio di Siena on July 2, 2018: TRIUMPIA IL DRAGO


The order of entry to the ropes was as follows: Goose, Tartuca, Lupa, Nicchio, Porcupine, Giraffe, Leocorno, Drago, Valdimontone and Chiocciola run-up

  DRAGO650 [19659003] The Contrada del Drago won the Palio di Siena from July 2, 2018 course in the honor of Our Lady of Provenzano will therefore conquer the Drappellone made by the Sienese artist Emilio Giannelli. </p>
<p>  The race was preceded by the traditional load of Carabinieri on horseback (during which one of the Carabinieri fell into the formation that reported the fracture of a scapula) and the historic parade. </p>
<p>  <strong> Chronicle </strong> </p>
<p>  With the following order of appeal among the strings: Goose, Tartuca, Lupa, Nicchio, Istrice, Giraffa, Leocorno, Drago, Valdimontone and Chiocciola run-up; The magician Fabio Magni takes the horses out of the ropes for a while to rebadure them, giving the jockeys time to talk with the riders and make agreements between them (the so-called parties). There is a complicated Palio with three pairs of rivals in Piazza: Chiocciola-Tartuca, Istrice-Lupa and Nicchio-Valdimontone </p>
<p>  In the second row, with the Tartuca which, instead of remaining in the second place, stands still on the top does not give the opportunity to enter the rival track after receiving two official calls from the mossière (and some skirmishes between Nicchio and Montone while only "exchanges of opinions" between wolf and porcupine), and with an alignment between the ropes away from any precise, after about ten minutes Magni makes the horses come out of the ropes. </p>
<p>  Third alignment, still with the Tartuca with Nappa II on Rombo De Sedini blocking the entrance despite the continuous calls (three become the officials) of the moss and the Valdimontone which is on the top of the l 39; alignment </p>
<p>  A 20 all out again with the worker who calls the Barbareschi, to check the condition of the horses, especially to perform Drying to remove sweat after it is now half an hour of the exit of Contradas. </p>
<p>  At 20:05 we are at the fourth alignment, this time the Tartuca does not block the entrance of the snail first, but accomplice the confusion between the ropes, with the Montone going a little & On all sides, Nappa II recoils pecking another call, finally at 8:15 pm enter the snail but the move is not valid maybe for a small forcing to the strings, maybe because Montone was shot, or too much confusion. Probably for all this put together. </p>
<p>  The horses walk around the square and line up for the fifth time. After having still blocked the entrance between the ropes, the Tartuca even comes out and approaching the snail. Then he comes back and after the usual problems of alignment of Valdimontone and Tartuca, Fabio Magni takes the horses out of the ropes. </p>
<p>  We are now at 20.33 and we are doing the sixth alignment. This time he immediately goes into the snail, but the luff still cancels out, taking a few not too kind compliments, probably for some strings effort. </p>
<p>  Seventh alignment, it is 20.37, enters the snail, this time valid move with good starting point Dragon, giraffe, leocorno and goose. First in San Martino always the Dragon while Chiocciola, Montone and Nicchio fall. At the first flag in front of the Dragon, followed by Giraffa, Oca and Leocono. With a beautiful race it is still the Dragon with Brio that continues in front of the Giraffe and the Goose to the second San Martino. Then Goose pbades second home with Tittia trying to reach Brio. But it is the Dragon who will win the prize with Andrea Mari called Brio on Rocco Nice </p>
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<p><span style= The order of entry between the strings

of the PALIO DI SIENA OF JULY 2, 2018 [19659016] (contrada, name horse, coat, bad, age, owner;
name jockey, nickname)

RINCORSA   Chiocciola CHIOCCIOLA – RENALZOS – baio C 8 – Marcello Roti

Elias Mannucci says Turbine

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