Pandino, ambushed in the middle of the road: he kills the companion of his ex-wife – Chronicle


Pandino (Cremona), July 14, 2018 – He was jealous. And he opened his account with his rival with three shots. Three shots, three bullets with which he killed a 43-year-old man of Peruvian origin, José Martin Barrionuevo Diaz, who lived in Agnadello. A homicide perpetrated in the street, via Fontana, on one of the main arteries of Pandino, Cremona . Then he escaped and was arrested. The protagonists of this troubled history of jealousy and resentment are a 48-year-old Agnadello Italian, Saverino Debiasi, a 43-year-old Peruvian who lived in the same village and ex-wife from the Italian Melzo but with residence in Agnadello for many years, in the old marital home. All three work at Stockhouse, storage company that rises, again in Agnadello, on the provincial highway Bergamina. The Italian couple collapse after a few years of cohabitation, from which a child is born. Everyone follows their own path, but the girl's bond remains. At one point, the woman meets the Peruvian, who works with her. Both decide to meet. And this triggers the jealousy of the ex-husband, who does not digest the new bond of his ex. It does not appear that there are any big quarrels in public, but it seems that he still hates a dull grudge especially against the Peruvian who took his place.

Yesterday, the epilogue. The versions are two. Someone reports that the Italian made an appointment for both to Pandino for clarification, perhaps regarding her daughter. Others say that the man followed his ex-wife. When he saw her in the company of his rival, he went into action. In any case, while the Peruvian and the woman are walking along the Via Fontana, perhaps to go to the garden of the neighboring bar Wang, the Italian joins them with his car, down the window, tip the weapon at the rival's neck and let go two shots. Then the man explodes a third shot. Then he goes away. It is 15:30, the woman is petrified at first but then tries to rescue the wounded, trying to stop the bleeding. Also arrives an old woman who lives a few meters away and who was in the garden and heard the three shots and screams of the woman. she who practices heart mbadage to the victim until the arrival of rescuers, but to no avail. The men of medical cars and the Red Cross are trying to tear the Peruvian to death A helicopter is lifted from Milan, but there is nothing to do: the man breathes . Meanwhile, Pandino's carabinieri arrived, followed by Crema's highway officers. Magistrate Lisa Saccaro also arrives and questions the woman, who provides valuable information to reach the murderer. It is the manhunt all over Lombardy and in fact the killer is intercepted while refueling it in a distributor in Caleppio di Settala. He can not stand and can be handcuffed. He is taken to the barracks of Crema, then to Ca del Ferro prison in Cremona, where the magistrate will probably listen to him already today.


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