Paolo Fox today 27 November 2018: Cancer and Leone in the lead, all forecasts – Culture and Entertainment


Paolo Fox he anticipated his horoscope of tomorrow, Tuesday, November 27, 2018, during the broadcast of the "Mezzogiorno in Famiglia" on Rai Due, revealing what awaits you in the next hours. The forecasts of Paolo Fox they indicate a positive day for signs of cancer and lion, as well as Aries. Inch to, instead, according toPaolo Fox's horoscope for the signs of Virgo, Scorpio and Capricorn.

ARIES – It will be a very busy day according toPaolo Fox's horoscopeThe presence of Luna, Mercury, Uranus and Jupiter in your sign will give you a decisive momentum. However, be careful not to engage in controversies often unnecessary.

TORO – The dissonant moon will not stop you from reacting to the provocations of thePaolo Fox's horoscope. The next few hours will generate a dead end, try to determine your way into the sentimental sphere.

GEMINI – The period of little serenity will continue tomorrow according toPaolo Fox's horoscope, conditioned by the events: you will have to pay attention to the provocations and avoid drafts that could cause you physical troubles.

CANCER – It's time to recover the lost time, in love withPaolo Fox's horoscope: until Friday, the perfect time to build relationships and build new relationships with people. Try to exploit the wind in the back: December will be for you the month of the emotions found.

LEONE – For thePaolo Fox's horoscope your positive moment will continue considering the presence of the Moon in the sign and favorable position of Mercury, Sun and Jupiter. Everything seems to indicate that something is changing in a positive way, you will be full of energy and ready for anything.

VIRGIN – The beginning of the week for thePaolo Fox's horoscope This is certainly not positive: the problems of everyday life will overlap. Hold on: Beginning on Friday, you will begin to unravel the skein of the skein and solve the outstanding issues.

BALANCE – Keep your balance: for thePaolo Fox's horoscope the difficult and stressful phase of the last days will end soon. Maybe with a big hug in love: the weekend will be conducive to reconciliation with your loved one.

SCORPIO – annoying day on the horizon for thePaolo Fox's horoscope: an agitated situation will remove serenity, the next 48 hours can be heavy even from a physical point of view. Sunday, however, the sun will shine again.

SAGITTARY – The fatigue of the usual routine begins to become heavy tomorrow according toPaolo Fox's horoscopeIn the next 48 hours, there will be a fight, but your stubbornness can also lead you to defeat some positive and interesting things.

CAPRICORN – For thePaolo Fox's horoscope it will not be a day when you will shine with your own light. tomorrow Avoid any break point and look at yourself: there is the possibility of having to deal with physical discomfort.

AQUARIUS – The Moon in opposition tomorrow will create headaches for your sign according toPaolo Fox's horoscope. All the trouble, however, can be solved with calm and perseverance in the expectation of a weekend that promises spicy flavors.

PESCI – Addressing all problems: for Paolo Fox's horoscope it's the mantra to follow in the next few hours. December will be a positive month, but the last days of November will leave you with something to solve.

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