Paolo Fox's Horoscope of November 28, 2018: Today's Forecasts


Home> Miscellaneous News> Paolo Fox's Horoscope of November 28, 2018: Today's Forecasts

By Isabella Adduci on November 28, 2018

Paolo Fox pictures

Paolo Fox, the horoscope of today November 28: the forecast of the day

The usual appointment with Paolo Fox's horoscope who just unveiled the Forecast for the day until 28 November 2018 live from the square Your facts, the historical transmission designed and produced by Michele Guardì, broadcast from Monday to Friday on Raidue before lunch. What will be the luckiest signs of the day when Paolo Fox will award five stars? The famous astrologer always invites viewers not to believe the horoscope, but to check. Before the horoscope of Paolo Fox who occupies the last segment of the transmission, play area, interviews and chronicles led by Giancarlo Magalli, Roberta Morise, Giò Di Tonno, Professor Umberto Broccoli and Colonel Morico. The maestro Demo Morselli conducts the orchestra which plays live and accompanies the performances of Giò Di Tonno and Roberta Morise.

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About Isabella Adduci

Born in Cbadano allo Ionio (Cosenza) in 1978, she graduated in law from the University of Bari and obtained the qualification to practice the profession of lawyer at the Court of Appeal of Catanzaro. Always pbadionate about television, cinema and entertainment, he loves to write and read books of all kinds, newspapers, magazines. His dream is to become a popular TV critic … dreaming costs nothing!

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