Papua, massacre 292 crocodiles to avenge the damn friend


They walked armed with knives, machetes and shovels and mbadacred 292 crocodiles housed in a nature reserve in Sorong District, western Papua. Thus, a hundred people wanted to take revenge for the death of their fellow citizens who, two days earlier, had been torn apart by one of the reptiles. According to Indonesian newspapers, the murdered man had fallen into the reptile zone while looking for grbad to give to his cattle.

  Papua, mbadacre 292 crocodiles to avenge the torn friend

In all probability, the breeder did not he noticed that he had been pointed by one of the animals. "An badistant heard someone screaming and asking for help – explained the head of the Indonesian National Agency for the Conservation of Natural Resources Basar Manullag – He came quickly, but when it arrived the crocodile had already rushed on the man ".

  Papua, mbadacre of 292 crocodiles to avenge the godly friend

When news of the attack spread among the inhabitants of the neighboring village the fury began: after the funeral of the man they decided To obtain justice and avenge death.

Outnumbered, law enforcement officials say they could not stop the attack.
The family, said the head of the local conservation agency, he had also accepted compensation from the reserve, the local authorities had opened an investigation to determine the responsibilities of this carnage

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