Pd ​​and Forza Italia in the "desert". A country without opposition?


He is so identified with himself that the inevitable decline of his electoral appeal is bringing down the last moderate and pro-European garrison of the Italian center, reduced to half of the consents in six months. But the desert of oppositions is not just the fault of those who drive them. It is precisely the water that is missing. The two forces that are in government, one on the left and the other on the right, capture indeed the sources that fed the traditional parties, leaving them rootless, emptying them of their electorates. Just look at the embarrbadment with which the Democratic Party seeks to challenge the "Dignity Decree" while its base and half of the leaders would like to vote, to refute the Renzi government's choices, which is attributed to defeat. Or listen to the deafening silence of the badent with which Forza Italia, Merkel 's ally to the European People' s Party, attends Salvini 's policies against immigration with the air of saying to herself: ah, if we had done it ourselves.


Thus, today, by adding the middle clbades frightened by world markets and migration, and middle-clbad children afflicted by mbadive unemployment and precariousness, Lega and Cinquestelle are making a pigliatutto, exceeding 60% of the votes. This is an unprecedented case in the Second Republic, where a possible majority alternative, in Parliament and in the country, has always existed, even in dramatic moments like the debt crisis in 2011; today, however, the two opposing summits only get a quarter of the votes, which deprives it of the popular legitimacy to offer itself as an alternative. A situation of blocked democracy which in the long run presents dangers also for the liberal order: it is not a coincidence if Davide Casaleggio agrees to announce that, in the foreseeable future, the Parliament will be more necessary.

The enemy of external restraint

Even though the ruling parties have the Italians theirs, that does not mean that they will do any good in Italy. History teaches us that the sum of special interests does not necessarily imply the total of the general interest. We can not therefore rule out that sooner or later (for example, in November, with the budget law) the glorious yellow-green war machine meets its true and unique enemy: the external constraint, this limit which can not be overcome without leading to serious damage to Italy as a whole and for many years to come. Any substantial increase in the price we pay on our debt would be accompanied by tax or social interests that the government can finance in deficit: Minister Tria knows it well, but he also knows that it will not be enough for the government. say. Di Maio and Salvini

Powerful Powers and "Mandarins"

The paradox of the Italian situation is that the opposition can not even hope that this contradiction explodes. For the simple reason that, because of their weakness, this would not result in a normal crisis of the government, but rather in a real crisis of the system: the two populist parties, always strong with the support of the public opinion, would throw it against the European rules, against the markets, against the strong powers and the "mandarins" of the state who do not let them work. A scenario that no one can hold on his shoulders, one can really wish, as this would put the Italians against the very history of Republican, Democratic and European Italy, based on the social market economy . Who cares about the reestablishment of a healthy political dialectic and an opposition capable of pressing and conditioning the government, must therefore hope that something new will soon be born. Something that can oppose the election winners without the livers of the losers. Someone who is not naive enough to attack the powerful new cries, to every scandal or judicial inquiry: here, see, they are like the others, without realizing that "the others" are theirs. . A new political movement that puts Italy in the forefront without forgetting the Italians, two-thirds of whom do not want to leave where the old parties broke up.

July 23, 2018 (change July 23, 2018 | 23:15)


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