Pd, Grasso sentenced to pay unpaid contributions. He: "I'm going to appeal"


"Salvini instead of suing Saviano" returns the 49 million league. Pietro Grbado is on the side of the writer and presses the League to pay his debts

But today the court of Rome has sentenced the former president of the Senate to pay more than 80 thousand euros (83250 to be precise) to the Democratic Party . It is money (about 1500 euros per month) that his former party asked him for a while as a contribution after his election to Parliament in 2013 and that Grbado and 60 other parliamentarians have never paid. For them, the judge also issued an injunction of about 1.5 million euros. Funds that – if the treasurer Dem Francesco Bonifazi will keep the promise – will be allocated to a fund to support the 180 employees of Nazareno in the layoffs

"I promised we would take the case to court, out of respect for those who follow the rules, " announced Bonifazi on Twitter," Today, the injunction came against President Grbado for 80 thousand euros owes the Democratic Party for the justice. "

Fat:" I am going to appeal "[19659005]" I have not yet received any notice of an injunction, so I do not know on what basis it may have been issued ", and in any case "when the decree arrives I will oppose". The former president of the Senate writes in a note. "Of course, no one ever asked me for a certain monthly amount in the last Parliament, and as Speaker of the Senate, as I know, I did not consider funding a political activity. nor to have waived, among the others, the part of the indemnity usually used to finance the parties ". And he adds: "After having requested by email a meeting with Bonifazi and their respective lawyers more than a month ago, I renewed the request directly to him two days ago to demonstrate, my cards, my reasons and avoid the dispute of the Democratic Party – which emptied the coffers with the misleading referendum campaign and mega advice to the American advisers, whose choices to pay the costs were the employees – it must download on the others the defects of its mismanagement, and try to transform them into instrumental and propagandist means.When the decree arrives, you can be sure that I will oppose it, "concludes the former president of the Senate.

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