Pd, Martina and Sala against Renzi. He answers: "Compare us on the themes"


Apart from the armed truce, in the Democratic Party, the day after the National Assembly is already against everyone. To trigger the dust was the intervention of Matteo Renzi . Not only because of his harsh criticism of the minority dem, but also because of the injections, unexpectedly, to the government of Gentiloni. The newly elected secretary, Maurizio Martina did not take it well. "Renzi's criticism of Gentiloni is false and unfair, I did not share it, just divided between us, I want a different Pd." And again: "The dangerous right is now attached to the government, not to those of us who have served the country well. Renzi, however, denies the accusations: "From us no controversy, only from politics: just listen," writes on Twitter, posting the video of the speech at the Democratic Party badembly. "Immigration, the economy, Europe and many others, if someone wants to take care of everything (even annuities or vouchers)", writes the former prime minister

The president of the Lazio region, Nicola Zingaretti he is the only one who has already announced that he wants to run for the party leadership. "The Democratic Party moves – writes on Fb – with a lot of work, but eventually it moves, now all the conservatism or nostalgia of the past with recipes that have failed, we have to look ahead, when we succeed the victories of the Democratic Party, with many others, even now, if the proposal of Martina to lead the congress in good political moments, before the decisive European and administrative elections, we can not continue with badysis and past recipes, we must reviving hopes, pbadions, participation and confidence in the future In a new search, months of political struggle against the right and a great intellectual and cultural effort await us to reverse our course, and we are building "alternative committees" across the country to call those who want to change – Zingaretti concludes – and gives the Italians a future. "

" He m & # 39, seemed a point of no controversy that of Renzi yesterday, "said the mayor of Milan, Gi useppe Sala . To those who asked him if the new senator and former secretary of the Democratic Party could still be the leader of the party, he replied: "I do not think at this moment, according to what. he said, that he would back off. I do not think he should be the candidate for the next secretariat, but I do not even think that he wants to do it frankly, I do not doubt it, probably not back, but I do not think that he wants to apply directly. "Car Sala" would not be good for the Democratic Party "because" we would go back to the problem of the man or the woman alone, which is the worst model right now because it n & # 39; There is no such strong application since So it's much better collegiality.

Criticize Renzi is also Cesare Damiano former Minister of Labor in Prodi's second government. "The choice of Martina Secretary is excellent: we are now waiting for signs of discontinuity in political conduct and content: yesterday's intervention by Renzi was divisive and obsolete: a heated soup of the common places that l & # 39; 39, former secretary proposed time and led us to electoral defeats, absurd and resentful attack on Gentiloni ". "But what is most disturbing," he adds, "is his political position: on labor and welfare issues, Renzi will not deviate from liberal theories. employment law is anachronistic: make dismissals easy and cheap.well beyond the right-wing policies, it was a serious strategic mistake that we paid in elections "

To the former Minister of Economic Development, Carlo Calenda "Renzi says that Gentiloni, the Renzi minority, freezes everything for seven months while the country is living a political season and a government This is a party that is in puberty crisis since March 5. We are waiting for at least six months of cogressive discussions totally focused on the belly button of a ruling clbad in an eternal confrontation, we need to go more far, prepare the recovery of a fr a progressive pro ogressist and broad, capable of proposing solutions and mobilizing civic energies. The elections could be much closer than expected and the times of the Pd do not match those of the country. "

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