Pension reform is a conflict between the executive and the opposition over quota 100 and flexibility


The latest news on Flexible pensions to today July 12, 2018 see the political conflict reignited, after the intervention of Labor Minister Di Maio who makes the state of affairs in Parliament. The government has confirmed willingness to intervene on the sector by guaranteeing new instruments of early exit [VIDEO] work, but the real confrontation with the opposition is about the details. For the moment, the executive is still making its own badessments of the quotas 41 and 100 while the Chamber confirms its intention to start the ninth safeguard of the exodized workers and extension of the woman option . But the effectiveness of these new measures will depend on the criteria with which they will be implemented and precisely these details are still subject to mere badumptions.

Meanwhile, important updates are also made to the free cumulation with the extension of the measure to the accountants and labor consultants thanks to the signing of the agreement between the INPS and the respective professional funds. ] Di Maio (M5S): ongoing badessments on the 100 quota

The operating mechanism of the new flexibility of social security and in particular the Quota 100 remains uncertain. In the last few hours, the Minister of Labor intervened on this subject during a hearing in Parliament, explaining that the government considers it urgent to propose to workers new mechanisms of flexible access provided that They are oriented towards fairness. Among these, he cited the maturation of the contribution 41 years as well as the new quota 100 [VIDEO]. However, on this last point, the technical evaluations are still underway, given the impact that this could have on the accounts.

Part of the coverage could, however, happen by the abolition of gold pensions, identified by the Minister as those above 4 or 5 thousand euros and which are not covered by the contributions actually paid.

Spadoni (M5S): the government badesses the ninth safeguard of workers and the extension of the option for women

Precisely with regard to the issue of the protection of older workers who live in distress situations the Deputy Speaker of the House Maria Edera Spadoni (M5S) stressed the need for intervention in favor of the workers and . In this regard, the Government would carry out badessments on the record of the [9e] safeguard and on the extension of the option woman . "The common goal must be to abolish the imbalances of the social security system introduced by the pension reform ," said the parliamentarian, stressing that the Fornero reform requires the government to intervene in this direction. If the new declarations confirm the political will to intervene, it is more difficult to make forecasts in time, since "the government will have time to study the files".

Patriarch (PD): on vague promises and no details

On the subject of social security yesterday, the head of the Senate Labor Committee intervened yesterday, attacking the latest statements issued by the Minister of Labor Di Maio . In his speech, "he only offered us a book of dreams", since no "number or detail, but only vague promises" were highlighted. In this regard, the democratic exponent rather pointed out that "the decree dignity, quota 100 for pensions income from citizenship confirm the empty boxes to fill, who knows when and who knows how. "

Free: Signed the Convention for Accountants and Labor Consultants

Meanwhile important updates arrive regarding the new institution of free cumulation which is confirmed in its This is also the case for accountants and labor consultants, who in recent days have signed the agreement between Inps, Cnpadc and Enpacl whereby the claims of cumulative retirement can take place. In this way, the professionals who made contributions to the INPS and their category caisses will be able to benefit from the new measure without having to pay the reunification fees whereas the calculation of the future allocation will be made proquota according to the rules established in each individual management

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