Pensions, is the fourteenth day. Limits and amounts


This is the fourteenth day for retirees. About three and a half million retirees, in conjunction with the July 2018 social security allowance, are receiving the long-awaited "extra sum" of between 336 and 655 euros. Those who will 64 years in the second half of 2018, however, will have to wait for the payment of the December 2018 pension.

"The Fourteenth – explains Inps in Message No. 2389, published on June 13 – is attributed to subjects who fall within the established income limits and who, on June 30, 2018, are 64 years old. or more. "In addition, the annual income must not exceed 13 192 euros .The amount, indeed, – allocated to the office without it being necessary to make a request – must be less than double of the minimum salary, or correspond to about 1014 euros per month for thirteen months

Retired with income up to 9,894.69 euros will receive a sum equal to 437 euros (up to 15 years of contributions), 546 euros (from 15 to 25 years of contributions) and 655 euros (over 25 years of contributions), for pensioners whose income is between 9,995 euros and 13,192.92 euros, the amount will be equal to EUR 336 for both the self-employed (with at least 18 years of contribu- private workers (with 15 years of contributions). contributions). For the self-employed the fourteenth increases to 420 euros with a seniority of contribution between 18 and 28 years and 504 euros if it is greater than 28 years. The same amounts apply to individuals but, in this case, the first step is to have a seniority of between 15 and 25 years and the second for that of more than 25 years.

See also:
Pensions, Fourteenth: requirements, limits, amounts 2018
Pensions, quota 100 and quota 41: the first details of the reform
Pension with 41 years of contributions: the pros and cons against
Pension, Quota 100 and contributory calculation: the pros and cons
Pensions, the ECB warns Italy: high risk of revision reform Fornero
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