Pensions, Salvini gives notice of expulsion to Boeri (Inps). "A positive and clean immigration that brings ideas, energy and respect is welcome, and my problem is that of criminals, like the one who killed a 77-year-old Italian in Sessa Aurunca, who was hit by one of those "resources" that should pay us pensions, because there are still phenomena, I also think of the president of the INPS, who says that without immigration is a disaster, but there will have a lot of change even in these public systems. "According to the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini, in a video posted on Facebook during a visit to a company confiscated at the Mafia.A words that seem to be the prelude to a "notice of expulsion" against Tito Boeri, current president of the INPS.And the statements that arrive on the eve of the annual report of the National Institute of Social Security, which will participate in the 39, other Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio
PENSIONS, Quota 100: BOERI (INPS) LAUNCHES ALARM. New pension reforms
Quote 100, alarm by Tito Boeri. For the pension system, "retirement expenses increase sharply, have effects designed to drag over time and aggravate relations between retirees and workers," says the president of the INPS at the Labor Festival, which Was held in recent days in Milan, on the impact of the pension reform proposal with the 100 quota.
PENSIONS, Quota 100. Boeri (Inps): "One million retirees over and under of workers "- Reform of new pensions
The negative effects of quota 100 that the government Lega-M5S wants to introduce in 2019? Tito Boeri explains: "We will have a million more pensioners because of these measures, but we will also have fewer workers because they would increase taxes on pension contributions," he said.
PENSIONS, Quota 100. Retiree-worker ratio estimates – New pension reform
"According to the most recent IMF estimates, we currently have two retirees for every three workers, in twenty years we will have one worker for every retired, "he said. Boeri then intervened on the possible reduction of gold pensions: "Reasoning that these areas of privileges can be reduced is meritorious," but "we have to step over an amount and we were talking of 5 thousand euros ". Boeri explained that for certain categories, "as far as politicians are concerned, if these rules were given on their own, there were significant differences". The interventions that the government could implement are necessary, he warned, "when there is a very high public debt and that we want to reduce the tax burden on labor to revive the government". economy". Another problem is represented by migrants. The zeroing of migration flows is a "very serious" problem, he warned, for the Italian pension system. "Having more regular immigrants would allow us to immediately have significant inflows into our labor market," said the president of the INPS.
PENSIONS, Boeri on Pension Expenditure Flows – News on Pension Reform [19659003] "The most worrying scenarios for our future retirement expenditures are those that predict a sharp reduction in migration flows, and this reduction is current and flows are no longer sufficient to compensate for the decline of the indigenous population, "says Boeri. The demographic projections, he said, "tell us that even in a few years, if the flows were to be further reduced or even zero, we would lose entire cities of the Italian population". A problem "very serious for our pension system, which is able to adapt to the lengthening of the average life but not to the fact that they decrease the cohorts of taxpayers," he reiterated . The ruling clbad, he noted, "must explain this problem, which is a demographic problem of the immediate". The President of the INPS pointed out that, "willy-nilly, immigration is a way to handle this difficult demographic transition: if the Italians start to make children, what we all hope, it will take wait twenty years before the newborns start to pay the contributions. "
PENSIONS, Quota 100 but not only Boeri on Annuities – Actuality of Pension Reform
Finally, the president of the board INPS Tito Boeri exceeds 100 and proceeds to annuities: "According to our estimates, with a series of interventions on the annuities of parliamentarians and regional advisers could even up to 200 million euros, which are nothing in the face of our public debt but are important figures. With the state of our public debt, we must pay attention to the millions and it is right to do so. "A" symbolic "intervention does not mean secondary: symbols matter a lot and those who ask sacrifices to families must set a good example. "(Lab / Labitalia) ISSN 2499 – 3166 02-LUG-18 09:49
PENSIONS: Quota 100, Quota 41, Option for Women: First Details – REFORM OF PENSIONS INTO TWO PHASES
Pension reform in two phases: in 2019 the share of 100 will start, with longer times for early retirement with 41 years of contributions Salvini and Di Maio seem to have decided to insert the 100th part in the finance law, with the early retirement formula of 64 years with 36 contributions.If everything went well on January 1, 2019, we could leave.
PENSIONS, quote 100 immediately But how many doubts. NEW REFORM OF PENSION [1 9659005] Warning. Share 100 penalizes certain categories of workers. That's who has at least 18 years of contributions paid before 1996, with the current right to salary calculation until 2012, Roberto Ghiselli, secretary of Cgil Marche, on the site of small and medium-sized enterprises pmi. it, recently explained: "The issue of the 64 The years of old age and 36 years of contributions actually penalize a lot of people, because they involve the recalculation of contributions of the whole career and a very constant career, introducing levels that very few workers can reach. " And again: the 2019 quota 100 will be an option for those who want to retire or who will replace the current rules for early retirement? The 100 quote will be compatible with the free grant of contributions? In other words: if this can be achieved by adding the payments in different management? Doubts that the Lega-M5S government needs to clarify.
Pensions, Share 41 sled. Pension reform news
Share 41: Early retirement with 41 years of contributions, another strong point of the M5S-Lega government in the Fornero reform, could be postponed to medium-term, a measure that concerns a rather large number of workers it must be modulated and carefully financed.
Pensions, renewed woman option. But .. NEWS REFORM PENSIONS
The option of women, as a quota of 100, could enter the next finance law. So, the badumption is that it is reformed, but one must understand how it will be modulated in pension reform. Extension possible until December 2018 to increase the age of 57 (58 years for autonomy) and 35 years of contributions required. Or change the conditions of access.
Pensions, Social APE towards the farewell. On the other hand, the SOCIAL EPA is currently at risk (experimentally), which is currently planned on an experimental basis until December 31, 2018. The idea is that the quota 100 and the quota 41 are retirement instruments intended to replace the SOCIAL EPA
"After the annuities we will start with the pensions of. gold those of more than 4-5 thousand net euros per month Those who have pensions that reach up to 25 thousand euros a month will no longer have them contributions that they have paid.C & # Is a sacrosanct thing. " So yesterday, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Development and Labor, Luigi Di Maio in a direct broadcast on his Facebook profile at the end of the CDM. "There are those who say that we came out of the crisis, but when in Italy there are 5 million people in absolute poverty, it seems to me that it is risky to talk about the end of the crisis", says Di Maio. "Institutions – constraints – must show the example by cutting what is not necessary: the age of privileges is over."
Higher minimum pensions: Di Maio confirms his recipe – New pension reforms
"Today we have decided to cut the annuities in three weeks, and after that we will go to the pensions of the family. We are starting to implement minimum pensions and cut gold pensions. " This was stated by Economic Development Minister Luigi Di Maio during Question Time in the House. Basically, it confirms what has been said in recent days: higher minimum pensions and shredded gold pensions.
Pensions: 100% FIRE AND QUOTE 41 JUDGMENT: ATTACKS CGIL – Reform of new pensions
Pensions, latest news : Cgil against the pension reform of the Legislative Government M5S. Quote 100 and share 41 because they do not like it. "The Minister of Labor and Development, Luigi Di Maio, talks about quota 100 and quota 41: the problem is that to work these numbers must be accompanied by a series of conditions that do not currently exist", explained the secretary Roberto Ghiselli to RadioArticolo1 But back to the details because – in light of this critical position of the unions – very hot weeks and clashes on pensions are expected.
Pensions: QUOTA 100 AND QUOTA 41: "HERE FOR WHAT PENALTY" Pension Reform
Pension Reform, QUOTA 100 AND QUOTA 41 : It will be done, but it will not There is no controversy. Roberto Ghiselli Confederal Secretary della Cgil at the microphone of Italia Parla, the daily column of Radio Articolo 1, badyzing the proposals of the government Lega-M5S to about pensions, 100 and 41, explains: "The Minister of Labor ed ello development, Luigi Di Maio, speaks of quota 100 and quota 41 : the problem is that to work these figures must be accompanied by 39, a series of conditions that do not currently exist.On the contrary, exists the issue of 64 years and 36 years of contributions which actually penalizes a lot of people because it badumes the contributive recalculation of all the law and a very constant career, introducing levels that very few workers can reach ". On & # 39; Social Ape that the Lega-M5S government wants to abolish: " I think of the unemployed, disabled, disabled, hard-working who help non self-sufficient people, all categories that will be even worse than before, because the social bee – an instrument of which we are not particularly enthusiastic – has guaranteed a 63-year-old exit for a certain audience. " The proposal on pensions as announced, according to Ghiselli, benefits the men of the North penalizing the women and youth of the South . In other words, it penalizes those who have sporadic careers and rewards those who have a more continuous and certain level of work experience. Ghiselli also talks about the first workers and their pension requirements: "I think that a worker, like a worker, after 41 years of contributions should have the opportunity, without further restrictions, to retire." And again: "The contributory system needs to be corrected, taking into account other elements, other social needs, such as those with discontinuous careers, which are then the majority of young people. recognition in this context, the specificity of women's care work must also be rewarded. "Then, in summary, it raises the possibility of choosing to withdraw of 62 years according to their needs: "The cornerstone of a social security reform must be the outgoing flexibility, taking up the spirit of the Dini reform, according to which from a certain age is the worker who, after the age of 62, chooses how to go out according to his working conditions, family, health. "
PENSIONI, Salvini:" Fornero reform dismantled in the year ". Reform of new pensions
Reform of pensions: Matteo Salvini announced that by the end of the year "the reform Fornero will be dismantled ". The quota 100 will be the restart point. "The Minister of Economy is doing his job – said Salvini ad Agorò on Rai 3 -. We will see, by following the rules, try to have more space in Europe to do what we promised during the election campaign. "A real pension reform will not be necessary According to Salvini, it suffices to include the dismantling of Fornero in the Budget Act and from 2019 there will be a pension system where the mathematical principle of prevails , quota 100 with a minimum of 42 years of contributions paid
Pensions: quota 100 and Social Ape ECCO WHO CI PERDE Reform of new pensions
Share 100 pensions : the badumption you work with provides a quota of 100 with at least 64 years and therefore at least 36 years of contributions. "If that was true – says Cesare Damiano of the PD – who starts at 64 this choice would be a penalty for those who lead heavy activities because these workers can retire at age 63 with the 99 quota (63 plus 36 contributions). Not only that, for those who are unemployed or have a disabled family member, contributions fall to 30 years (Quota 93). For women, there is therefore another one-year discount for each child (maximum 2 years), which makes the necessary contributions at age 28 (quota 91). On the other hand, one should not always forget that for these 15 categories of workers, who carry out heavy activities, there is also the blocking of the retirement age commitment to the expectation of life. Eliminating the social bee would therefore be very detrimental for a large number of workers. On the contrary, it would make it structural. " Following this line of reasoning, here is who would lose us: those who work hard, the unemployed, who have a disabled family member, women, the social Ape and 41 Contributions The hypothesis on which the Conte government works provides for the surpbading of social monkey and pension with 41 contributions regardless of age.
Government, CUT BOARDS: WILL BE 30 thousand. WHAT … Reform of new pensions
5 percent of pensions (30,000 pensioners) will be scammed.With a saving of 115 million euros for the state.The reductions would affect the checks of pension which exceeds 5 000 euros net monthly.The allowance would be recalculated with the contributory system.Some examples: on a check of 5.840 euros net, there would be a reduction of 285 euros net per month with a loss of 3.700 euros in twelve months. check of 5 573 euros net net of 284 euros. On a retirement plan of 6.892 €, the reduction would be 356 €. However, there is a possible compensation linked to the lump sum tax that could be based on two rates: 15 and 20 percent against 38 percent of the average rate currently forecast. Reduction of the pension and compensation with the lump sum tax rate consequently. Prime Minister Conte, however, was clear: "The so-called golden pensions are another example of an unwarranted privilege that must be opposed.We will intervene on checks exceeding 5.000 euros per month in the part not covered by the contributions paid. ".
PENSIONS, Quota 100 but not only Boeri on Annuities – Actuality of Pension Reform
Finally, the president of the board INPS Tito Boeri exceeds 100 and proceeds to annuities: "According to our estimates, with a series of interventions on the annuities of parliamentarians and regional advisers could even up to 200 million euros, which are nothing in the face of our public debt but are important figures. With the state of our public debt, we must pay attention to the millions and it is right to do so. "A" symbolic "intervention does not mean secondary: symbols matter a lot and those who ask sacrifices to families must set a good example. "(Lab / Labitalia) ISSN 2499 – 3166 02-LUG-18 09:49
PENSIONS: Quota 100, Quota 41, Option for Women: First Details – REFORM OF PENSIONS INTO TWO PHASES
Pension reform in two phases: in 2019 the share of 100 will start, with longer times for early retirement with 41 years of contributions Salvini and Di Maio seem to have decided to insert the 100th part in the finance law, with the early retirement formula of 64 years with 36 contributions.If everything went well on January 1, 2019, we could leave.
PENSIONS, quote 100 immediately But how many doubts. NEW REFORM OF PENSION [1 9659005] Warning. Share 100 penalizes certain categories of workers. That's who has at least 18 years of contributions paid before 1996, with the current right to salary calculation until 2012, Roberto Ghiselli, secretary of Cgil Marche, on the site of small and medium-sized enterprises pmi. it, recently explained: "The issue of the 64 The years of old age and 36 years of contributions actually penalize a lot of people, because they involve the recalculation of contributions of the whole career and a very constant career, introducing levels that very few workers can reach. " And again: the 2019 quota 100 will be an option for those who want to retire or who will replace the current rules for early retirement? The 100 quote will be compatible with the free grant of contributions? In other words: if this can be achieved by adding the payments in different management? Doubts that the Lega-M5S government needs to clarify.
Pensions, Share 41 sled. Pension reform news
Share 41: Early retirement with 41 years of contributions, another strong point of the M5S-Lega government in the Fornero reform, could be postponed to medium-term, a measure that concerns a rather large number of workers it must be modulated and carefully financed.
Pensions, renewed woman option. But .. NEWS REFORM PENSIONS
The option of women, as a quota of 100, could enter the next finance law. So, the badumption is that it is reformed, but one must understand how it will be modulated in pension reform. Extension possible until December 2018 to increase the age of 57 (58 years for autonomy) and 35 years of contributions required. Or change the conditions of access.
Pensions, Social APE towards the farewell. On the other hand, the SOCIAL EPA is currently at risk (experimentally), which is currently planned on an experimental basis until December 31, 2018. The idea is that the quota 100 and the quota 41 are retirement instruments intended to replace the SOCIAL EPA
"After the annuities we will start with the pensions of. gold those of more than 4-5 thousand net euros per month Those who have pensions that reach up to 25 thousand euros a month will no longer have them contributions that they have paid.C & # Is a sacrosanct thing. " So yesterday, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Development and Labor, Luigi Di Maio in a direct broadcast on his Facebook profile at the end of the CDM. "There are those who say that we came out of the crisis, but when in Italy there are 5 million people in absolute poverty, it seems to me that it is risky to talk about the end of the crisis", says Di Maio. "Institutions – constraints – must show the example by cutting what is not necessary: the age of privileges is over."
Higher minimum pensions: Di Maio confirms his recipe – New pension reforms
"Today we have decided to cut the annuities in three weeks, and after that we will go to the pensions of the family. We are starting to implement minimum pensions and cut gold pensions. " This was stated by Economic Development Minister Luigi Di Maio during Question Time in the House. Basically, it confirms what has been said in recent days: higher minimum pensions and shredded gold pensions.
Pensions: 100% FIRE AND QUOTE 41 JUDGMENT: ATTACKS CGIL – Reform of new pensions
Pensions, latest news : Cgil against the pension reform of the Legislative Government M5S. Quote 100 and share 41 because they do not like it. "The Minister of Labor and Development, Luigi Di Maio, talks about quota 100 and quota 41: the problem is that to work these numbers must be accompanied by a series of conditions that do not currently exist", explained the secretary Roberto Ghiselli to RadioArticolo1 But back to the details because – in light of this critical position of the unions – very hot weeks and clashes on pensions are expected.
Pensions: QUOTA 100 AND QUOTA 41: "HERE FOR WHAT PENALTY" Pension Reform
Pension Reform, QUOTA 100 AND QUOTA 41 : It will be done, but it will not There is no controversy. Roberto Ghiselli Confederal Secretary della Cgil at the microphone of Italia Parla, the daily column of Radio Articolo 1, badyzing the proposals of the government Lega-M5S to about pensions, 100 and 41, explains: "The Minister of Labor ed ello development, Luigi Di Maio, speaks of quota 100 and quota 41 : the problem is that to work these figures must be accompanied by 39, a series of conditions that do not currently exist.On the contrary, exists the issue of 64 years and 36 years of contributions which actually penalizes a lot of people because it badumes the contributive recalculation of all the law and a very constant career, introducing levels that very few workers can reach ". On & # 39; Social Ape that the Lega-M5S government wants to abolish: " I think of the unemployed, disabled, disabled, hard-working who help non self-sufficient people, all categories that will be even worse than before, because the social bee – an instrument of which we are not particularly enthusiastic – has guaranteed a 63-year-old exit for a certain audience. " The proposal on pensions as announced, according to Ghiselli, benefits the men of the North penalizing the women and youth of the South . In other words, it penalizes those who have sporadic careers and rewards those who have a more continuous and certain level of work experience. Ghiselli also talks about the first workers and their pension requirements: "I think that a worker, like a worker, after 41 years of contributions should have the opportunity, without further restrictions, to retire." And again: "The contributory system needs to be corrected, taking into account other elements, other social needs, such as those with discontinuous careers, which are then the majority of young people. recognition in this context, the specificity of women's care work must also be rewarded. "Then, in summary, it raises the possibility of choosing to withdraw of 62 years according to their needs: "The cornerstone of a social security reform must be the outgoing flexibility, taking up the spirit of the Dini reform, according to which from a certain age is the worker who, after the age of 62, chooses how to go out according to his working conditions, family, health. "
PENSIONI, Salvini:" Fornero reform dismantled in the year ". Reform of new pensions
Reform of pensions: Matteo Salvini announced that by the end of the year "the reform Fornero will be dismantled ". The quota 100 will be the restart point. "The Minister of Economy is doing his job – said Salvini ad Agorò on Rai 3 -. We will see, by following the rules, try to have more space in Europe to do what we promised during the election campaign. "A real pension reform will not be necessary According to Salvini, it suffices to include the dismantling of Fornero in the Budget Act and from 2019 there will be a pension system where the mathematical principle of prevails , quota 100 with a minimum of 42 years of contributions paid
Pensions: quota 100 and Social Ape ECCO WHO CI PERDE Reform of new pensions
Share 100 pensions : the badumption you work with provides a quota of 100 with at least 64 years and therefore at least 36 years of contributions. "If that was true – says Cesare Damiano of the PD – who starts at 64 this choice would be a penalty for those who lead heavy activities because these workers can retire at age 63 with the 99 quota (63 plus 36 contributions). Not only that, for those who are unemployed or have a disabled family member, contributions fall to 30 years (Quota 93). For women, there is therefore another one-year discount for each child (maximum 2 years), which makes the necessary contributions at age 28 (quota 91). On the other hand, one should not always forget that for these 15 categories of workers, who carry out heavy activities, there is also the blocking of the retirement age commitment to the expectation of life. Eliminating the social bee would therefore be very detrimental for a large number of workers. On the contrary, it would make it structural. " Following this line of reasoning, here is who would lose us: those who work hard, the unemployed, who have a disabled family member, women, the social Ape and 41 Contributions The hypothesis on which the Conte government works provides for the surpbading of social monkey and pension with 41 contributions regardless of age.
Government, CUT BOARDS: WILL BE 30 thousand. WHAT … Reform of new pensions
5 percent of pensions (30,000 pensioners) will be scammed.With a saving of 115 million euros for the state.The reductions would affect the checks of pension which exceeds 5 000 euros net monthly.The allowance would be recalculated with the contributory system.Some examples: on a check of 5.840 euros net, there would be a reduction of 285 euros net per month with a loss of 3.700 euros in twelve months. check of 5 573 euros net net of 284 euros. On a retirement plan of 6.892 €, the reduction would be 356 €. However, there is a possible compensation linked to the lump sum tax that could be based on two rates: 15 and 20 percent against 38 percent of the average rate currently forecast. Reduction of the pension and compensation with the lump sum tax rate consequently. Prime Minister Conte, however, was clear: "The so-called golden pensions are another example of an unwarranted privilege that must be opposed.We will intervene on checks exceeding 5.000 euros per month in the part not covered by the contributions paid. ".
"After the annuities we will start with the pensions of. gold those of more than 4-5 thousand net euros per month Those who have pensions that reach up to 25 thousand euros a month will no longer have them contributions that they have paid.C & # Is a sacrosanct thing. " So yesterday, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Development and Labor, Luigi Di Maio in a direct broadcast on his Facebook profile at the end of the CDM. "There are those who say that we came out of the crisis, but when in Italy there are 5 million people in absolute poverty, it seems to me that it is risky to talk about the end of the crisis", says Di Maio. "Institutions – constraints – must show the example by cutting what is not necessary: the age of privileges is over."
Higher minimum pensions: Di Maio confirms his recipe – New pension reforms
"Today we have decided to cut the annuities in three weeks, and after that we will go to the pensions of the family. We are starting to implement minimum pensions and cut gold pensions. " This was stated by Economic Development Minister Luigi Di Maio during Question Time in the House. Basically, it confirms what has been said in recent days: higher minimum pensions and shredded gold pensions.
Pensions: 100% FIRE AND QUOTE 41 JUDGMENT: ATTACKS CGIL – Reform of new pensions
Pensions, latest news : Cgil against the pension reform of the Legislative Government M5S. Quote 100 and share 41 because they do not like it. "The Minister of Labor and Development, Luigi Di Maio, talks about quota 100 and quota 41: the problem is that to work these numbers must be accompanied by a series of conditions that do not currently exist", explained the secretary Roberto Ghiselli to RadioArticolo1 But back to the details because – in light of this critical position of the unions – very hot weeks and clashes on pensions are expected.
Pensions: QUOTA 100 AND QUOTA 41: "HERE FOR WHAT PENALTY" Pension Reform
Pension Reform, QUOTA 100 AND QUOTA 41 : It will be done, but it will not There is no controversy. Roberto Ghiselli Confederal Secretary della Cgil at the microphone of Italia Parla, the daily column of Radio Articolo 1, badyzing the proposals of the government Lega-M5S to about pensions, 100 and 41, explains: "The Minister of Labor ed ello development, Luigi Di Maio, speaks of quota 100 and quota 41 : the problem is that to work these figures must be accompanied by 39, a series of conditions that do not currently exist.On the contrary, exists the issue of 64 years and 36 years of contributions which actually penalizes a lot of people because it badumes the contributive recalculation of all the law and a very constant career, introducing levels that very few workers can reach ". On & # 39; Social Ape that the Lega-M5S government wants to abolish: " I think of the unemployed, disabled, disabled, hard-working who help non self-sufficient people, all categories that will be even worse than before, because the social bee – an instrument of which we are not particularly enthusiastic – has guaranteed a 63-year-old exit for a certain audience. " The proposal on pensions as announced, according to Ghiselli, benefits the men of the North penalizing the women and youth of the South . In other words, it penalizes those who have sporadic careers and rewards those who have a more continuous and certain level of work experience. Ghiselli also talks about the first workers and their pension requirements: "I think that a worker, like a worker, after 41 years of contributions should have the opportunity, without further restrictions, to retire." And again: "The contributory system needs to be corrected, taking into account other elements, other social needs, such as those with discontinuous careers, which are then the majority of young people. recognition in this context, the specificity of women's care work must also be rewarded. "Then, in summary, it raises the possibility of choosing to withdraw of 62 years according to their needs: "The cornerstone of a social security reform must be the outgoing flexibility, taking up the spirit of the Dini reform, according to which from a certain age is the worker who, after the age of 62, chooses how to go out according to his working conditions, family, health. "
PENSIONI, Salvini:" Fornero reform dismantled in the year ". Reform of new pensions
Reform of pensions: Matteo Salvini announced that by the end of the year "the reform Fornero will be dismantled ". The quota 100 will be the restart point. "The Minister of Economy is doing his job – said Salvini ad Agorò on Rai 3 -. We will see, by following the rules, try to have more space in Europe to do what we promised during the election campaign. "A real pension reform will not be necessary According to Salvini, it suffices to include the dismantling of Fornero in the Budget Act and from 2019 there will be a pension system where the mathematical principle of prevails , quota 100 with a minimum of 42 years of contributions paid
Pensions: quota 100 and Social Ape ECCO WHO CI PERDE Reform of new pensions
Share 100 pensions : the badumption you work with provides a quota of 100 with at least 64 years and therefore at least 36 years of contributions. "If that was true – says Cesare Damiano of the PD – who starts at 64 this choice would be a penalty for those who lead heavy activities because these workers can retire at age 63 with the 99 quota (63 plus 36 contributions). Not only that, for those who are unemployed or have a disabled family member, contributions fall to 30 years (Quota 93). For women, there is therefore another one-year discount for each child (maximum 2 years), which makes the necessary contributions at age 28 (quota 91). On the other hand, one should not always forget that for these 15 categories of workers, who carry out heavy activities, there is also the blocking of the retirement age commitment to the expectation of life. Eliminating the social bee would therefore be very detrimental for a large number of workers. On the contrary, it would make it structural. " Following this line of reasoning, here is who would lose us: those who work hard, the unemployed, who have a disabled family member, women, the social Ape and 41 Contributions The hypothesis on which the Conte government works provides for the surpbading of social monkey and pension with 41 contributions regardless of age.
Government, CUT BOARDS: WILL BE 30 thousand. WHAT … Reform of new pensions
5 percent of pensions (30,000 pensioners) will be scammed.With a saving of 115 million euros for the state.The reductions would affect the checks of pension which exceeds 5 000 euros net monthly.The allowance would be recalculated with the contributory system.Some examples: on a check of 5.840 euros net, there would be a reduction of 285 euros net per month with a loss of 3.700 euros in twelve months. check of 5 573 euros net net of 284 euros. On a retirement plan of 6.892 €, the reduction would be 356 €. However, there is a possible compensation linked to the lump sum tax that could be based on two rates: 15 and 20 percent against 38 percent of the average rate currently forecast. Reduction of the pension and compensation with the lump sum tax rate consequently. Prime Minister Conte, however, was clear: "The so-called golden pensions are another example of an unwarranted privilege that must be opposed.We will intervene on checks exceeding 5.000 euros per month in the part not covered by the contributions paid. ".
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