Petrol pumps, sleigh to 2019 the electronic bill: that's what will change –


Luge on January 1, 2019 the obligation for gasoline and diesel distributors to issue invoices in electronic format against professionals with VAT numbers and drivers of corporate transport vehicles, who will no longer be able to pay for their supplies in cash, but only with traceable instruments. The abolition of the fuel card is also postponed to the new year. The obligation that, according to the 2018 Finance Act, was to come into force from 1 July next for the sub-contracts of the public administration, has just been postponed by a decree-law of Council of Ministers and will therefore begin with the official launch of the e-bill.

More time to adapt. I the disposition soothed the anger of the service stations that for months had been calling for an extension to comply with the news. Request already rejected by the Gentiloni government. The unions Faib, Fegica and Figsc have revoked the strike announced in recent days pending the measure: "We are very satisfied with the constructive dialogue that has been established with the Minister of Economic Development Luigi Di Maio, also on other issues such as the cost of "Electronic and contractual dumping," said the chairman of Faib Martino Landi

The petrol and diesel pumps, if the obligation had been triggered in July, should have issued the new invoice electronic before six months with regard to the obligation for business-to-business transactions, but only for VAT debts.So, for companies and professionals (excluding individuals) who provide their vehicles road, agricultural or industrial: such as tractors, for example.

The Revenue Agency, with a circular issued in April specified that the new fa Electronic screens can be generated with a web-based procedure, an application and a software to install on a PC that allows the service station to acquire customer identification data, probably via a QR code. They will be issued with the system called Exchange (ES), already used for transactions with the public administration. The essence must be paid only with traceable means, ie debit, credit or prepaid cards.

Farewell to the fuel card. In addition, from January, the fuel card is found in the attic, which allows companies to deduct VAT once a month or every three months for the purchase of fuel and to obtain the tax deduction. These expenses will be deductible in the tax return only if they are made by traceable means. Those who use money can not badert them in any way. Self-service distributors who deliver gasoline to individuals and who will not issue an electronic invoice must electronically store payment data and transmit it electronically to the Agency every month electronically. income and at the Customs Agency and Monopolies. ]

Has the electronic invoice. The e-bill, which will debut in January for business-to-business transactions, as required by the 2018 Finance Act (Law of 27 December 2017, No. 205), was created to counter the Tax evasion and Iva fraud. Italy is among the first in Europe to introduce it. Europe has included electronic billing between the pillars of the European Digital Agenda to be implemented by 2020 to make procedures more efficient and reduce management costs. In January, the tax on the Web comes, the 3% tax on online purchases applied to those who make more than 3,000 trades in one year.

electronic invoice
petrol pumps
tax evasion
VAT Number
petrol station
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