Pharmaceutical company blocks death sentence




  A pharmaceutical company blocks a death sentence

Nevada – Substances used for lethal injection were obtained illegally: report of the execution of a homicide

Corriere del Ticino – July 12, 2018

WASHINGTON – For the first time, a pharmaceutical company managed to block a death sentence by claiming that one of the substances chosen for the injection had been obtained illegally and that the last "badtail" had not been tested under capital punishment.

It arrived in Nevada, where a judge postponed the scheduled execution in the next hours of Raymond Dozier, 47, convicted of two different murders in 2002 and 2005. C & # 39; was the same prisoner who asked to be killed, "even if it is inevitable to suffer."

But District Judge Elizabeth Gonzalez confirmed the appeal of Alvogen, who had objected to his use or midazolam in the death penalty.

Related News: Judge Cuts Murderer Two to Be Killed by Death Cocktail Never Used Before in the United States

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