Philippines, a mayor was killed by an elite gunman


A Filipino mayor died after being shot by a sniper during a public ceremony.

The man was known to have smuggled drug traffickers through the streets of his city, but he was also accused of having links to the drug world himself.

Antonio Halili was the mayor of the city of Tanauan, located in the province of Batangas, south of Manila. [19659002] After being shot, he died while he was going to the hospital.

The scene was taken by one of the participants at the ceremony and published on social networks.

(Attention to strong images):

In the shooting, we see the mayor Halili and some officials outside the town hall while They sing the Philippine national anthem.

At this point, yes sen you the sound of a shot, the crowd starts to run in search of a shelter and the ceremony stops.

Philippine Police Chief Oscar Albayalde reported that none of those present at the ceremony saw a killer approach the mayor.

According to testimonies, the police reported that they were killing the mayor should have been a sniper.

"They just heard a shot, so we think it was a sniper shot," said Albayalde at a press conference, adding that an investigation was already In progress.

The hit reached the cell phone that Halili had in his jacket, but he still managed to get into the mayor's chest.

"We are shocked, we are terribly sorry," Deputy Mayor Jhoanna Villamor said. near the mayor the moment of the attack

Mayor Halili had become a controversial figure in the Filipino political scene two years ago, when he had forced some men suspected of being the pushers to march to through the city.

The men also carried placards saying, "I am a drug dealer, do not mimic me."

the police, however, had linked Halili to the world of drugs, an accusation that the mayor has always rejected.

Halili was deprived of his supervisory powers over the local police in October 2017 because of the proliferation of illicit drugs in his city.

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