Photo of the hole band at Poste Napoli – Chronicle


(ANSA) – NAPLES, JULY 2 – Hole band in action, all the time,
in the central post office of Naples in Piazza Matteotti. the
gangsters, at least four, armed, wearing white overalls
and balaclava, they came out of the floor in a room in
shoulders of boxes. The crowd had already gathered in the lounges
beginning of the month, for the payment of pensions. They have lived
moments of chaos, between cries and leaks escape. The criminals are
managed to get envelopes containing the money
for payments, and they escaped, through the same tunnel,
only when a security guard – who had planned to have one
free throw line, no people in front – bet a
weapon against them.
Some employees have suffered from a mild illness. On the spot is
an ambulance arrived. State police intervened in force
and started the investigation of criminals, with the help of a
helicopter. No shots exploded during the flight and no


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