Piazza Affari weak on the most difficult day for Fca


  Mike Manley "title =" Mike Manley "src =" https://static.milanofinanza.it/img/1.gif "data-original =" https://static.milanofinanza.it/content_upload/img/ 2018/07/201807251823487305 / MikeManley-812075.jpg "/> </figure>
<p>  The third session of the week has ended down for the main European lists (Wall Street has contrasted and little changed, for the first time in the year). moment) which, with the exception of Piazza Affari, have limited losses up to a maximum of -0.87% (Frankfurt), while the FTSE MIB has closed the trade of today. With a more pronounced fall of 1.43% to 21.561 points, with a counter-value of trade up from yesterday and Monday at 2.6 billion euros The markets of the Old Continent have worked today In a climate characterized by waiting for the meeting to be held tonight in Washington between US President Donald Trump and the European Commission, Jean-Cla Juncker: The two leaders will address the issue of barriers to international trade. "The European Union comes to Washingt tomorrow to negotiate a trade agreement," Trump writes on Twitter, then suggests that "the US and the EU eliminate all tariffs, barriers, subsidies ! " This "finally would be called free market and fair trade," continued the Donald. "I hope they will, we are ready, but they will not do it." </p>
<p>  Then, with regard to Milan, some quarterly figures have penalized the list of prices. FCA <span clbad= left 15.5% in the field at € 13.99 after the disappointing results of the first half of 2018 the day of Sergio Marchionne's death, also accompanied by the decline in forecasts for 2018. The new CEO of FCA [19659004] Mike Manley nonetheless stated that the group "is able to achieve the goals set out in the 2018-2022 business plan". Fiat Chrysler lost 3.8 billion capitalization and was overtaken by Ferrari (which also yielded 2.19%). In the galaxy of Agnelli, the controlling company also Exor (- 3.49%).

Negative seated also for Stm (- 8.83% to 18.79 euros), which saw earnings after the second quarter 2018 accounts that have not presented any particular surprises

On the contrary , Tim (+ 1.48% to 0.6174 euro), which received a lot of positive reviews from badysts thanks to the biannual published last night. In the second quarter, domestic ebitda was low, but still in line with consensus expectations, while debt, of the order of 25.1 billion euros, was better than expected thanks to the strong growth in operating cash flow (+ 51% to 903 million euros). The figures suggest an improvement in the second half

Shopping also on Campari (+ 0.53% to 7.64 €). Jefferies raised the target price from 6.1 to 7 euros, confirming the "hold" recommendation. Analysts believe that the company is well managed and focused on a very clear strategy

On the rest of the list, Creval (+ 4.91% to 0.1068 €) is reported after the agreement with Crédit Agricole the launch of an exclusive long-term partnership in the field of life insurance. The banking sector, more generally, lost ground (Ftse Bank -0.40%) but less than the Ftse Mib.

On Aim Italy, finally, we highlight the progress of Enertronica (+ 12, 89%).

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