Piedmont, strong thunderstorms arrive with the risk of hail


Strong thunderstorms, even at the risk of storms and hail, will dampen the not excessive but rather sensual heat of the last days of the afternoon. The weather is therefore unstable in Piedmont and for the moment there are no long periods of high pressure with days always sunny and very hot practically until the end of July. Also this weekend the African anticyclone, present on the Mediterranean, could not fully reach the alpine region, leaving us with sometimes damp western currents responsible for certain pbadages that, if one side had contained l & rsquo; Rising temperatures (they stayed around 32 ° C in Turin, with peaks up to 34-35 ° C on Saturday in southern Piedmont), on the other they accentuated the sensation heat.

Now the high pressure is undermined by a rapid but rather intense disturbance that tomorrow will bring more intense and intense thunderstorms everywhere in our region, even with the risk of storms, hail and violent gusts of wind. As always, it is impossible to predict exactly where the most intense phenomena will be triggered, but after the last morning clearings, the storms will be activated first in the alpine areas, then in the afternoon on the plains and the hills of Piedmont. maximum temperatures below 30 degrees. During the week, instability will only grant a short respite, with sunny days between Tuesday and Thursday. Temperatures will begin to increase again, but the heat will be less stifling and more bearable, while towards the following weekend, the weather should return more unstable and sometimes stormy.

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