Peak peak of infestation expected in the period until 1 August in the regions of Alessandria, Asti, Novara and Vercelli

  Piedmont, Italy. tiger mosquito alert in four provinces

alert for the tiger mosquito in many provinces of Piedmont. According to data from the Vape Foundation, broadcast by Anticimex, the maximum level of infestation (on a scale of 0 to 4) in Alessandria, Asti, Novara and Vercelli will be recorded in the week of July 26 to August 1. In Biella, Cuneo and Turin, one expects a low-middle index of two, while in Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, it is reduced to one. However, in almost all provinces of Piedmont, the trend is up, except for the Vco itself. "There are two fundamental climatic aspects that influence the proliferation of mosquitoes – explains Valeria Paradiso, Technical Manager of Anticimex Italia – and it is the temperatures and the rains, plus the life cycle of mosquitoes is long. average temperatures are around 25 degrees, the mosquito can complete a development cycle in less than ten days. This is why usually the maximum density peaks are usually in the summer periods. The abundant and frequent rains raising the water level, they create mbadive outbreaks and create many new epidemics. "