Poland, the president of the rebel High Court: "The reform is a purge"


Popeye between the government and the Supreme Court in Poland. Malgorzata Gersdorf, president of the highest court, rebelled against the new law forcing her to resign today at midnight due to an age limit. "Wednesday, he will come to work as usual," said his spokesman. The new legislation requires judges to retire at the age of 65, compared to the current 70 years: at least a third of Supreme Court judges are expected to resign at midnight today. Only the President of the Republic can make exceptions, at the request of the magistrates.

The disputed reform

Gersdorf refused to forward the request to President Andrzej Duda and explained that it would remain in place until 2020, as provided by its mandate. "This law – he accused – is a purge of the Supreme Court disguised as pension reform."
The Polish government, led by Jaroslav Kaczynski's ultra-conservative justice law (PiS), says the measure serves to rejuvenate a system. linked to the communist period.

The EU opens a lawsuit against Warsaw

On Monday, the European Commission opened an infringement procedure against Poland – in addition to the already open process of l '39; Article 7 on non-compliance with the rule of law – specifically on the law on the composition of the Supreme Court. Brussels, "given the lack of progress" in the dialogue with Warsaw in the art. 7, sent an urgent letter of formal notice, for which Warsaw has only one month to respond, against the usual 2 months. In fact, the Commission has stressed that "the independence of justice" vis-à-vis other powers is compromised. Through a series of measures, the PiS has actually taken control of the judiciary, with prosecutors responding to the Minister of Justice.

Walesa with opposition: "Now enough"

The three main opposition parties are summoned tonight in front of the seat of the Supreme Court to protest the reform: the former president and leader of Solidarnosc Lech Walesa also announced his presence. "If in one way or another the government attacks the Supreme Court, then I will go to Warsaw . Enough with the destruction of Poland, "he wrote on Facebook

Polls reward the PiS

Despite domestic and international opposition, the Law and Justice party continues to be popular in the country , with the latest polls they see him in the first place with 40% of the voting intentions, before the Civic Platform – the Liberal Party to which the President of the European Council Donald Tusk belongs – with 25%.

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