Pollution, from plastic to fuel without any combustion


  Pollution, from plastic to fuel without any combustion

Fuel production from non-recyclable plastics and from renewable energies by a process of thermal conversion in l [39] absence of oxygen ( without combustion no incineration). A solution from Grt Group, a Swiss company operating in the financial sector that will also arrive in Italy in 2019

"We must continue to invest in research and development to face environmental challenges in a way that concrete and efficient Luca Dal Fabbro, CEO of Grt Group and vice-president of Circular Economy Network – the reuse of non-recyclable plastic and its transformation into eco-fuels certainly helps the environment, but the road to a sustainable future is still long and the real challenge is to steer industry and business towards the paradigm of circularity, a model not only sustainable, but also profitable from the business point of view. "

" Next year we will build in Italy small voluminous plants, as large as a tennis court field, and with zero direct emissions, as they use pyrolysis, in these factories will enter the bottles and bags we are trying desperately to eliminate fuel: 900 liters of fuel similar to kerosene and diesel for every ton of plastic, "adds Dal Fabbro

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