Pontida and the summit of the EU, the systematic mockery of the government that strengthens Salvini


That the yellow-green government would have been blamed for everything and the opposite of all was clear enough before its birth

Already in the very short transition period between confidence in the Senate and the Government Hall then newborn headed by " Mr. Nobody ", of which only the "dress style was emphasized" and the alleged total submission to the two donors Di Maio and Salvini we began to witness a curious and funny short-circuit in shootings between detractors of "right" and "left" and in particular between the orphans of Berlusconi and Renzi not yet repositioned

Today a month of "operation" and after the unfavorable budget, but it could not be otherwise, the European summit of Brussels is a competition between so-called opposition and "grand Stam" pa "make fun of Giuseppe Conte as "a chicken" which was made to cook by the European partners and which brought nothing concrete on the front of the immigration. But perhaps we should remember where we started and recognize that at least our Prime Minister has had the merit of breaking the taboo of hypocrisy prevailing in the matter, to bring out the contradictions, the narrowness and conflict between the great founding fathers, to unequivocally reject the barter between flexibility for electoral councils, as Renzi had done, in exchange for the desire to make Italy the exclusive destination migrants in Europe.

It is pointless to underestimate how easy it was to predict, the partner of Lega da minoranza gained a leading role thanks to the ability to roughly simplify the most complex problems, l & # 39; Territorial rooting, familiarity with the power, ability and daring of Matteo Salvini in the persistent imperturbability with the slogans of the election campaign.

But the perception, not only of its basis and came from all over Italy who acclaimed it to Pontida where, among others, he also wanted to reaffirm the Commitment of the Minister of the Interior against the Mafia, Camorra and Ndrangheta, is this for once there is someone in the government who wants to do just, more or less, what? he promised in the election campaign. And it is probably also for this reason that, after all the discoveries, Salvini's party not only dried up the Brothers of Italy, as it was obvious, but continues to attract the support of the electors of the Brothers of Italy, but having reached 31% have regularly exceeded the M5S which has fallen to 29.8% (according to Ipsos) ; for Ghisleri's Media Research reportedly reached 32.68% while the M5S would have fallen to 28.7, losing 4% compared to 4 March.

Contrary to Matteo Salvini who observed Marco Travaglio "no scruples" the M5S to the government exceeds in prudence and willingness to compromise: an example behind the front on the commitment to put Nino Di Matteo at the head of the prisons; but one could add the delay on the recovery of the Ilva zone, and a certain shyness to impose the identity and unpleasant priorities of the M5S that his constituents claim to see accomplished, starting with a real law on conflicts. ;interests.

The M5S finds itself in a difficult and precarious balancing position between the inescapable requirement of not missing the founding principles, which would result in a loss of irrecoverable credibility, and the commitment to to govern with the heavy partner pigliatutto

But this also seems clear and should be on the disgusted front of the opponents of the "advance oil spill," which "rejoice in Conte's terrible defeat at Brussels and the isolation of populist Italy "is that the constant process of demonization / derision regardless of the government does not attribute credibility to an opposition without identity and ends up strengthening the executive, especially the strength that "no scruples are made", has nothing to lose and other votes to defrost

And as he said Mbadimo Cacciari to ] Eight and a half if the ram's head to conquer the yellow-green fort must be "the republican front" announced by Renzi, when he is not involved in "prestigious" conferences abroad and in the purchase of a residence adapted to the new status of "mere senator", then there is only to evoke the category of ridiculous .

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