Pontida, Salvini: "I think of a League of Leagues in Europe"


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A crowd bath between green and blue t-shirts . It was thus that the traditional gathering of the Lega a Pontida began in the province of Bergamo, meeting which now sees the secretary Matteo Salvini in the dual role of secretary and minister of the 39 Interior Minister, he does not miss the opportunity to communicate and get talk about him. And he did it immediately by anchoring the challenge in Brussels .

"We must change Europe, it is not enough to change Italy. European elections next year will be a referendum between Europe's elite banks, finance, immigration and precariousness, and of the Europe of peoples and labor Between a Europe without borders and a Europe that returns to protect its own I think we will be the majority, "thundered the secretary of the League, upon his arrival at Pontida [19659006] "Concretely – added Salvini – I will transform capital by capital not only in Europe to create an alternative to this European Union. according to Lega's secretary, "we must have clear ideas, friends and alliances at the European level."

In the Pontida meadow, a series of white gazebos, one for each Italian region (see photos in top) delimits the area in which the support tori, the area in the center of which there is the scene, dominated by the blue color and two main slogans: "the good sense of the government" and "Prima gli italiani". As in recent years, the Northern League came from all over Italy

The youngest have spent the night next to the "sacred meadow", in a tent or motorhome. A mixture of colors affects the observer: many blue Salvinian T-shirts especially among the closest activists to Salvini and Central-South Italy; many green and traditional shirts, worn by northern activists and older supporters. According to the organizers, at least 200 organized buses arrived in Pontida " The ports for these human beings are and will remain closed .Today, there is a third boat that will take the route of Another country, and there will also be a fourth and so on, "Salvini explained, returning to the controversy of yesterday between the President of the House Roberto Fico and the government, even though Secretary Lega stated that the controversy would not lead him to the M5S ", returning to talking about the differences within the Movement also in terms of the rights of homobadual couples.

Vincenzo Spadafora " speaks in personal name "and the theme of LGBT rights "is not in the Government Contract", Salvini replied to those who asked him to take the position of Under-Secretary for Equal Opportunities who, to the pride of Pompeii, said that on the point "do not come back "Personal opinions are welcome, but the government is something else," said the Deputy Prime Minister. "I am happy and satisfied with the work of the Lega-M5S government, counting the facts," he added.

On the hill of Pontida appears the banner "Secession". While the interventions of the presidents regional center-right, on Pontida Hill in front of the pratone where the League meeting is taking place, a banner appeared with the inscription "Secession." Two other banners: "The lump sum tax suffered" and "Salvini free us from illegal immigrants." 19659003] Gay: Fedriga, never plea in Pride, if on a family day. "Friuli Venezia Giulia protects and defends the natural family to never give the patronage to the various gay pride, we give the patronage to the day of the family ": the Governor of the region Mbadimiliano Fedriga of the Pontida stage reiterated, after the shock of yesterday on the families rainbow between the Minister of the Famill Lorenzo Fontana and Under-Secretary for Equal Opportunities Vincenzo Spadafora. "We do not give public money to propaganda for the egoism of adults, but to those who defend the youngest who have the right to have a mother and father," Fedriga added. .

Musumeci, The North without South goes nowhere. "The North and the South have different vocations and interests but without the North the South is increasingly isolated and without the South the North goes nowhere": in Pontida, invited, there is also the President of the Sicilian Region Nello Musumeci. "The Italian system must go forward, while we divide between North and South – he added his intervention on the scene – the godfathers of Europe divide the continent". According to Musumeci, we must "find the reasons that unite us, not those that divide us" and that is what "makes Matteo Salvini"

Giorgetti: in Italy we have no more d & # 39; Opposition, people with us. "Today, the challenge is much, much more difficult, because we in Italy have no opposition parties, because people are with us, we have the # Opposition "in Europe, but the words of the Deputy Secretary to the Council Presidency Giancarlo Giorgetti. "We have challenged those who command the world, those who govern in Europe, those who have decided that the globalization of the economy is what makes you feel good," added Giorgetti, who "today The Lega Salvini is able to change the history of Europe, because here there are peoples who do not accept to be subjugated. We are in the government. "


EU, Salvini:" We will try to respect the rules, but first our children ". "We will try to respect the constraints and rules of the European Union." "I will give you my word that if to give a future to our children, so that our people feel better, we must ignore the zero point imposed by Brussels, I will."

Pensions, Salvini: "Renewal of the commitment to dismantle Fornero ." I renew my commitment to cancel the Fornero law as an inhuman and deeply false law. the Fornero, dismounting piece by piece, immediately reintroducendo quota 100 ", insisted Salvini.

Europa, Salvini:" It will exist only if the idea Lega contageranno. "If the ideas of the League contagionnent other European countries, this Europe will have the hope to exist, otherwise they will win, those for which there is no borders, there are no rules, there are only rights but not duties ". "Simone Veil – added Salvini – said that homework comes before rights, and this should be put in the head that arrives in Italy tomorrow morning."

Gay, Salvini: "Ok upright but rent uterus and" disgusting "" We are not here to take away anyone's rights. "Everyone at home makes what he wants, but I defend children who have the right to have a mother and a father and women who are not tenants. "That's what Matteo Salvini told Pontida : "The thought of the uterus for rent is disgusting."

Salvini: "Notice to mafia, the pacchus is over". "As for the traffickers of human beings, Pontida also for the Mafia and Camorristi comes the note: the pacchus is over, far from Sicily and Lombardy" says Matteo Salvini to Pontida speaking about his support all-antimafia, different from those who make millions with "anti-mafia words". The examples of antimafia to mention are among others Giovanni Falcone, Paolo Borsellino and Rocco Chinnici

Salvini: "We will rule 30 years for a proud Italy". "Let our comrades resign themselves: Italy we will rule for the next 30 years is an Italy that is afraid of nothing and no one, it is a proud and self-sufficient Italy" .

EU, Salvini: "I work for the" League of Leagues "in Europe". "I am thinking of a" League of Leagues "in Europe, which brings together all free movements that want to defend their own borders and the well-being of their children: that is the peaceful and smiling future on which we let's work. "

Pontida, Salvini asks to take an oath to the liberation of peoples and shows a rosary: ​​"We also need support from up there." "Do you swear until we liberate the people of this Europe?" Yes or no? "" We need support from above, but I also ask you to swear "Salvini urged him to receive a collective yes three times.

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