Pontida, walkabout for Salvini. "We will rule for the next 30 years, I will do the League of Leagues"


"Europeans next year will be a referendum between Europe's elites, banks, finance, immigration and precariousness, and the Europe of peoples and work, international populist, which for me is a compliment, I think we will be a majority. "

So the leader of the Lega Matteo Salvini arrives in Pontida, where today is the traditional meeting of Carroccio, now in its twenty-eighth edition. Never before has the League, for a month in government with the 5Stelle Movement, been so strong, with polls that have allowed the party to remain stable at 30%. Yesterday, however, there was a new political event, the demarcation of two members of Cinquestelle, with President Roberto Fico and Undersecretary for Equal Opportunities Vincenzo Spadafora, who took for the first time contrasted and on the rights of homobaduals. "In Italy, we have no opposition," said Deputy Secretary Giancarlo Giorgetti. "Let our comrades resign themselves: Italy, which we will rule for the next 30 years, is an Italy that is not afraid of anything," said Salvini

. But the Pontida rally is taking place without the founders. In fact, Umberto Bossi and Roberto Maroni are not present when the secretary of the League, Matteo Salvini, speaks. Maroni had announced his participation in recent weeks. Salvini quoted them from the scene anyway, thanking them.

Fico sui porti. "I testify about the ports that should not be closed" It's a personal opinion, I respect everyone's opinions, then a government and a minister who do it, the ports are and will remain closed Salvico added, "Fico spoke yesterday in favor of opening ports to NGO ships." With the ministers who have the delegation, Toninelli and Di Maio, we are in perfect harmony – the League leader insisted, speaking with reporters in Pontida – then everyone is free to express his opinions but the Italian ports are closed to traffickers "The ports for these human beings are and will remain closed." Today, there is a third boat that will take the road to another country and there will be a fourth and so on, "he added. [19659002] European Council on Migrants. "The results of the EU Council on Migrants, for Italy are" a first step ", because" finally the Italian proposals were discussed: we are halfway to work, they understood that we can say no, and if we must say them, said Salvini, who also noted that "the welcome is voluntary for others and therefore also for us". "My goal – he concluded – is that Europe protects the external border with Frontex.The goal is not a common evil and a half-joy to redistribute migrants". "If the ports are open or closed, the interior minister decides," said Salvini.

Ok catechism, but we do not welcome everyone. "Applying the catechism of the Holy Roman Church, the gates of Italy will be open to women and children fleeing the war, who will arrive by plane and not by boat, but for all the others we n & # 39; We do not really have to spend in Africa "

" Thanks to Libya "Attack to the Jackals . "I thank the Coast Guard of Libya who, in the silence of the media, helped more than a thousand desperate people who were at risk of drowning and bringing them back to Libya." The Salvini at the Pontida Stadium have defined "jackals", those who attribute recent deaths in the Mediterranean to the Italian government's line on immigration.

Lega delle Leghe. "I think of a league league that brings together all the free movements, the rulers."
Matteo Salvini explained his international political project. "It's the peaceful and smiling future we're working on," he added, "It's not the league that has changed, it's the world that has changed, we have understood that we are going nowhere, how it will be necessary to unite Europe, and I think of a league of the Leagues of Europe which gathers all the free and sovereign movements , who want to defend their own people and their borders "

" Spadafora and homobaduals. "Personal opinions". Vincenzo Spadafora "speaks in his own name" and the theme of LGBT rights "is not in the government contract". So Salvini instead responded to those who asked her to take the position of under-secretary in charge of equal opportunities that the Pride of Pompeii declared on the point "do not go back". "Personal opinions are welcome but the government is something else," said the deputy prime minister. "I am happy and satisfied with the work of the Lega-M5S government, counting the facts, if they want to fight us, they will not succeed," added Salvini. "Friuli Venezia Giulia protects and defends the natural family to never give patronage to various gay pride, we give patronage to the family feast": the Governor of the Region Mbadimiliano Fedriga reiterated. "We do not give public money to propaganda for the egoism of adults, but to those who defend children who have the right to have a mother and a father," Fedriga added.

Cola cocaine attack. Salvini opens a controversial front even with "multinationals like Coca Cola who will sponsor the days of Pride just to win more consumers".

Via Punishment Discounts for Rapists . "I hope, by the summer, cancel the penalties for murderers and rapists, there will be no more punishment discounts, no mercy," said Salvini [19659002] Fontana: proud to defend his mother and father. "We have said insignificant things, that a child has the right to have mum and dad: we have been told that we are retrograde, clerical, but as St. Pius X has said, when these things tell you, you are proud to say that there must be a mother and a father ". That's what the Minister of Disability and Family, Lorenzo Fontana, said of the Pontida Lega stage

The opposition is not in Italy, but in Europe "We do not have any more opposition here because the people At home in Italy, the opposition is no longer there, but we have very well understood where we have it.We have launched the challenge to those who rule the world, to leaders in Europe, to those who have decided that immigration and the substitution of peoples is a good thing, of course for your retreats ". This is the attack, from the Pontida stage, by the Deputy Secretary to the Council Presidency, Giancarlo Giorgetti. "We are not afraid, Matteo Salvini does not have it in particular," he adds

Salvini: we leave the Maalox to others. Matteo Salvini – who closes the Pontida meeting – was introduced to the stage by tenor Matteo Tiraboschi who sang Nessun's dorma by Puccini's Turandot. "At dawn I will win" finishes the air that has anticipated the arrival on the scene Salvini greeted by slogans and screams "Matteo, Matteo". I am here for a pact of honor and a pact of love ": so Salvini began his speech at the Pontida meeting by greeting the participants and inviting them to avoid hatred." Life is too short – he said – let it be others who hate and gnaw and deplete Maalox's stocks. We have time only to build "

No to the rented uterus," it disgusts me. "" All of Europe realized that it There is a government that has done more in a month's time in 6 years of sleep, "Salvini said," We are not here to take away anyone's rights. "If the state does not go to the stores with sector studies, imagine if it gets into the bedroom. But as long as I have the voice and blood in my veins, I will defend it, until I get it. 39 to life, the right of the weakest: the right of children to have a mother and father and the right of women and not to have uteruses to rent.
"It does not sucks that the thought of the uterus to rent. "Thus Salvini.

Electric Pistols. " The forces of order will be equipped with electric guns in the coming weeks ". Salvini said.

"I will change the Fornero". "I renew the commitment to cancel the Fornero law as an unjust, inhuman and deeply false law"
" Thanks to the Fornero conti in posto? So you could make a law for which you have a pension the day they put you underground and they were definitely safe. "Matteo Salvini framed relations with the EU on the basis of budgetary balances
" Constraints and figures to respect? "We will try, by dismounting the coin by the Fornero, to lower taxes for businesses and families, but – warns vicepremier, of the step of Pontida – if do better I will have to ignore a point zero imposed by Brussels, so I say that for me comes first the happiness of the people, for me this zero point is worthwhile ". "Go ask the Greeks how happy they are," says the Minister of the Interior

The tribute to Livatino. Salvini tribute a tribute to Rosario Livatino, "magistrate who did not interview, did not go make proclamations on television, did not make millions of words". "A great battle as a minister will do everything to win, will erase and eradicate from this wonderful country the bullshit that respond to the name of the mafia, the Camorra and the" Ndrangheta ". League leader Matteo Salvini said: "It will not be easy, because it will take courage, but I badure you that we will fight with all necessary means, from north to south."

Mafia, the pacchus is over. "Italy I want to rule, not for 5 months or for 5 years, comrades do they make a reason, Italy we will rule for the next 30 years is an Italy that is afraid of nothing and no one, it is a proud and beautiful Italy, "said Salvini.

A Crowd. The Secretary of the Lega Matteo Salvini arrived at Pontida at 10.30 am "Here pontida18, fill it! A sea of ​​decent people, smiles, hope, of the future! "He had written on Facebook." It's already a show, "he tweeted, and he was immediately surrounded by the plaintiff follla, who shouted "Matteo!" "Matthew." "You are a love!" "You are our captain!" The secretary told reporters: "I want to be among my people", before moving on under the stage, covering the perimeter of the pratone, stopping to take selfies with the militants.

"But as populists, they are the fathers of the family" . " Hope you come, there is already a world and a wonderful time. There are many people, new mayors, last night guys who were dancing and having fun together from Sicily, Calabria, Veneto, Apulia, Emilia and Tuscany Now we bring you to the lawn to touch the people who are the. We give you emotions that other TVs will not give you. We are now going in the middle of the & gt; & # 39; ggente & # 39; … These populists, fascist Soviet fascists, racists who are rather fathers. and mothers of normal family. "

History of the Center-Right " With Berlusconi, we talk about all the municipalities and regions where we rule together. Today, it is the historical record of the leaders of the center-right and the League who speak: it is a league that grows and makes everyone grow. "The governor of the Liguria Giovanni Toti (Forza Italy) of the scene said: "Last year we were three governors of the center, this year we are seven."

"First the Italians " Salvini will talk about the stage around 1:30 pm Ministers and governors will speak before him.A series of white gazebos, one for each Italian region, delineates the area in which the fans are concentrated. dominated by the blue color and two main slogans: "Common sense in government" and "Prima gli italiani." As for a few years now, the Northern league comes from all over Italy.The youngest have spent the night at side of the "sacred lawn", in a tent or camper. A mixture of colors strikes the l & # 39; observer: many blue T-shirts Salvinians especially among the militants closest to Salvini and south-central Italy; many green and traditional shirts, worn by northern activists and older supporters. According to the organizers, at least 200 organized buses arrive in Pontida
The speaker invited the activists "to leave the lawn as you found it, it is a sacred ground".

Zaia: Autonomy Now . "Autonomy right now – we have no more excuses, no autonomy now or never". Thus, "the Governor of Veneto, Luca Zaia, from the Pontida stage." The League of Exhibitors recalled that it is also the Minister of Regional Affairs, Erika Stefani, and dusted the slogan "Masters at we. "The doge, as he is called by the militants, he then thanked all the militants who" always came to Pontida, even when the temptation to stay at home was strong, even when it was said that the League was dead ".

social centers " The first to speak was the coordinator of the young leaguers, Andrea Crippa who attacked the" regime's journalists "," this lawn is an answer to those who attacked us in these months ", Crippa also said" we will close the social centers, they are useless, if not to break the balls ", invited to read the books of Oriana Fallaci, and said that" the marriage is one, between the man and woman ".

"Macron Vomiting" . Therefore, he touched Maura Bizzotto, took the stage with the team of deputies. His speech was very hard. "Macron vomit, rinse your mouth, if you like illegals, take them, no to the European Soviet Union: the whole world envy saviors, who will drive Europe in a year, we do not will never be slaves of Europe, we will not be slaves of Merkel, with us we order the expulsion of illegal immigrants The pacchus is finished for the red cooperative which made the billions ".

The banner: Secession. At the intervention of the governors of the League, on the hill in front of the scene of Pontida appeared the banner "Secession", in addition to "Flat Tax" and "Salvini frees us from illegal immigrants". Battle of the league, however, abandoned with the "national tour" printed by the secretary, Matteo Salvini.

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