Pope Francis at Angelus: "Pray for meeting in Bari and peace in the Middle East"


Support for the mediation of bishops in the difficult situation in Nicaragua. The call because in Syria tortured, marked by military attacks in Daraa, put an end to the suffering inflicted on civilians. The blessing of the "historic" resumption of peace talks between Ethiopia and Eritrea, "light of hope" for the Horn of Africa and for the whole of continent. And the invitation to pray for the next ecumenical meeting in Bari for peace in the Middle East and then for relaxation throughout the region. In a sunny Piazza San Pietro was an Angelus full of calls and references to various international crises, that uttered by Pope Francis as much as he wanted to make his voice heard for the end of the conflicts and the push for the dialogue. [19459003"RenouvelantmaprièrepourlepeupleaiméduNicaragua-lePapeacommencéimmédiatementaprèslarécitationdelaprièremariale-jevoudraismejoindreauxeffortsdéployésparlesévêquesdupaysetdenombreusespersonnesdebonnevolontédansleurrôledemédiationettémoinduprocessusdedialoguenationalencourssurlavoiedeladémocratie""LasituationenSyrierestegrave-did-ilpoursuivienparticulierdanslaprovincedeDaraaoùdesactionsmilitairescesderniersjoursontégalementfrappédesécolesetdeshôpitauxetprovoquédesmilliersdenouveauxréfugiés"

"Renewal, with prayer – added Pope Francis – my appeal because the population, already severely tested for years, will be spared by other suffering". The Holy Father also wanted to highlight the good news. "In the midst of so many conflicts," he said, "it is right to point out an initiative that can be defined as historic – and we can also say that it is good news: these days, after twenty years , the Ethiopian and Eritrean governments come back to talk about peace together ". His wish: "May this meeting illuminate a light of hope for these two countries of the Horn of Africa and for the whole of the African continent".

After having badured his prayer "even for the missing youth beyond a week in an underground cave in Thailand", the Pope focused his attention on the imminent meeting that he convened in Bari July 7 with the Catholic patriarchs of the rites of the Middle East, the Orthodox rulers – some participation of the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew – and Protestants. "Next Saturday, I will go to Bari, accompanied by many church leaders and Christian communities from the Middle East – We will experience a day of prayer and reflection on the dramatic situation in this region, where many of our brothers and sisters continue to suffer and we will implore a voice: "May peace be upon you!" I ask everyone to accompany with prayer this pilgrimage of peace and unity. "

A little more than an hour from Angelus, Francis Then I repeated the same concept in a tweet: "I ask everyone to accompany by prayer the pilgrimage we will perform next Saturday to Bari to invoke peace on the tortured Middle East. "

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