Pope Francis calls the philosopher Vattimo


"This pope takes the" shame "of declaring me a Catholic." Gianni Vattimo is not the first, although coming from the left, to see on his phone a number of the Holy See presumably, referring to Bergoglio.

The pontiff received a copy of the last book of the "philosopher of weak thought" and decided to pick up the phone to send a phone call. Argentina wanted to thank Vattimo. "Being and environment", which is the last effort of the former European Communist Party member of the Italian Communist Party, would end up in the hands of Pope thanks to a person known by both.

the conversation between the two was Vatican Insider . The intellectual then spoke about the content of the conversation with the former Archbishop of Buenos Aires. "The Pope – he said to the mentioned site – is still the Pope, and since I am a believer and I believe above all in the Church, it is clear that having spoken with him I have deeply impressed. "

Heideggerian Vattimo imagined for Bergoglio a political leadership role: "Since I have always defined myself as a communist cat, I believe in Pope Francis – he stated in an interview with Gazzetta di Reggio – And I come to say that the Pope should establish a Communist International, although I'm not sure that today it would make much sense. People, after all, no longer believe in it, but Pope Francis has given clear and tangible signs. of a real change and for that I want to believe it. "

Argentina would be the promoter of the much vaunted" reform. "On the actual existence of whom we continue to argue, especially in traditionalist environments.That is certain, it is that the pastoral care of the pontiff, as has been pointed out on many occasions, is full of criticism in a certain way of understanding capitalism.Two Congregations of the Holy See have recently published a document in which, others, it is proposed to tax offshore transactions to reduce the phenomenon of hunger in the world Speculative finance has been found in the "sights" of Vatican and in the vacuum of leader which characterizes the European left, the name of the pontiff of the Catholic Church is made more and more often.Some more social centers

Here, then, Martin Heidegger would even become useful for updating theology c Atholic We do not know how German would take him, who has long been "suspected" of "hidden Catholicism", while he has always been abused by the neoliberal and Libidian left even for the relationship between his philosophy and National Socialist ideology. Contradiction which, especially after the publication of the "Quaderni neri", has returned to the present. But the validity of Heidegger's thought for this "renewal" is one of the arguments that Vattimo presented to the pontiff during the phone call.

In this era of absolute capitalism, in short, Catholicism, along with Francesco, would have ceased to be a "weight". "Sometimes you ask me – said Vattimo to La Stampa -:" How can you believe in certain things? "With this pope, I do not have the embarrbadment to say that I believe it". Another "guardian of the revolution" for Bergoglio?

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