Bologna, 1st July 2018 – A capillary presence on the territory to allow, in all convenience, the withdrawal of incoming parcels on delivery of returns and prepaid or prepaid shipments. He calls PuntoPoste Poste Italiane's new distribution network and, at a time when user habits are undergoing a profound revolution, is presented, even in Bologna, as an instrument capable of responding to needs of all. those who buy and sell using digital means
It will happen to a lot, in fact, to place an order on Amazon, eBay or Yoox and see it (so to speak) deliver within working hours, finding a day, the punctual notice of stock that refers to a lost warehouse, accessible, however, only and in few possible slots
All this, however, will soon belong to the past, thanks to the possibility of 39, indicate, for the delivery of deigli purchases via the web, an address other than your home address . In fact, the electronically initiated purchase transactions can be completed in correspondence with one of the 200 collection points active at the end of 2018 throughout the national territory (5,000 in 2000). 2020) or one of the 350 traps (literally, traps ) that spit in strategic areas of our cities and that in two years will affect 420.
Of these, 8 are already present in Bologna opened 24 hours a day, 7 days a week three of which are located between Fico-Eataly World, the shopping center Lame via Marco Polo and the post office in Bologna 30 via Sciesa. The other 5, however, are located at service stations under the Total Erg brand Shakespeare, Mbadarenti and Industry, as well as Carnacini and Silvani avenues, covering the entire city. For collection, simply obtain a customer code that will be sent by sms or e-mail.
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