Pozzallo, authorized the landing of the 450 migrants. Salvini: "Political victory"


LITTLE BEFORE midnight came from Viminale the authorization for the landing at Pozzallo of all the migrants present aboard the GDF ship and that of Frontex who were arrested since yesterday in the harbor. In this way, all 450 refugees will be able to land, waiting to be sorted in the EU countries that have agreed to accept some of them. "It's a political victory," said Interior Minister Matteo Salvini. Operations should begin soon. This is what Palazzo Chigi announces, stating that migrants will receive all the necessary badistance while waiting for the break with other European countries. "Today, for the first time, we can say that they have landed in Europe," said the presidency of the Council.

Until the decision of the Viminale, the finance patrol Monte Sperone and the protector of Frontex remained moored in the waters of Pozzallo. wait for new arrangements to be made to allow the disembarkation of women and children, as well as people in need of medical badistance and some men, in order to avoid the division of families.

A decision to distance women and children, taken by the President of the Council, Giuseppe Conte, say the sources of Palazzo Chigi, during the hours when he gathered the will of Spain and the Portugal to welcome other migrants. The Coast Guard – but the figures may not be definitive – speaks of 43 women and 14 miners saved on the ground.

In addition to the refugees made fall because of precarious health: only seven today, all taken to the hospital Modica. Two pregnant women, one with heart problems, landed on a stretcher, the other suffered severe malnutrition problems and both children arrived late in the afternoon. A youngster with children this morning. However, the expectation was prolonged for traveling companions

On Mount Sperone and on the protector, the Ministry of Finance provided, in addition to masks and clothing, sufficient food supplies for at least 24 hours. Waiting for the refugees to leave the two ships of the ASP Ragusa doctors, sea doctors and Usmaf health for the first badistance. Those in good health will be taken to Pozzallo hot spot.

"There are people on board, not property," said Pozzallo Mayor Roberto Ammatuna, who has repeatedly offered to host migrants. "We are concerned about the uncertainty of the situation of those who remain on the ships, and our well-established organizational skills are also severely tested," he said. "Previously created situations were different," said Ammatuna, "because they are more programmable.There are indications for preparing food and drugs in a very short time, but we would like to understand how to proceed from the the most correct way. " with the chief of the cabinet of the Minister of the Interior, the prefect Piantedosi, to organize a meeting in Rome – continues the mayor – and I have been badured that the Minister closely follows the needs of the city ​​and has proposals to submit to us. "

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