Prato: clandestine visits to the Chinese hospital, doctors arrested and suspended / L'INCHIESTA


Prato, July 9, 2018 – The accusation is heavier: having fired on a tour of visits "to the black" between the Chinese population . Visits that would have been made inside the hospital. Four gynecologists from Prato hospital, three men and one woman, are under house arrest after an investigation co-ordinated by the prosecutor's office in Pratese. And they were among others also suspended by ASL.

It all started when a young Chinese man got sick after ingesting abortion pills. The girl had explained that she had referred to a mediator who had accompanied her to an Italian doctor, who in turn would have given her the pills. An expert opinion found that these drugs could only come from the hospital circuit: wiretaps were given to the doctors involved.

Besides the four doctors, three Chinese citizens are in trouble for this alleged traffic of visits. stopped.

Four other people were informed of the extent of the obligation to sign. Eighteen, at the time, people investigated. Charges laid, for various reasons, are fraud and aggravated fraud against the state. According to the investigation conducted by the carabinieri of the investigator nucleus, coordinated by Deputy Prosecutors Lorenzo Gestri and Lorenzo Boscagli Chinese patients were sent to doctors by the three mediators – two women and one man – and they paid a fee of 100 to 150 to the same mediators, who then gave a portion to the doctors. Substantially they jumped to die from the reserve at the Cup, but the patients are not disputed, believing that they did not know how the reservation system of the Tuscan regional health system works.

Asl reported that the doctors were immediately suspended. "With regard to the same employees, the additional procedure was also activated for the badessment of disciplinary responsibility – states the statement -. The Health Directorate also sent the communication to the respective orders of the doctors and surgeons to which they belong, the four employees. "From now on, the Company announces that it will become a civil party in the criminal proceedings" in order obtain compensation for damages suffered both in terms of badets and damage to the image.

The general manager Paolo Morello Marchese defined the behavior of one another as "unacceptable and isolated". "These behaviors are very serious and indirectly – he continued – they hurt the hundreds of operators who work honestly every day in our services and that I feel protected in every way." Morello then thanked the investigators to whom they expressed the greatest willingness and collaboration.

"They are made of unprecedented gravity that darkens one of the most virtuous departments of health in Prato and Tuscany," says the Democratic Party's Regional Councilor. Sanita's Committee, Nicola Ciolini- Unacceptable behavior both because they took place in a public institution, and because they tend to take advantage of the lack of knowledge of the system and therefore the weakness of foreign women with health problems. "[19659002] Ciolini expresses" appreciation for the judiciary and the investigating forces that put an end to this system of fraud and embezzlement. At the same time, I welcome the timely position of the Director General of the local Center, Paolo Morello Marchese. "19659002] Forza Italia, on the other hand, announces a question to the Regional Council.These are the questions that the parent Maurizio Marchetti intends to submit to the Tuscan Government: "Because in the premises used for the activity of freelance or in the studies of hospital doctors Santo Stefano di Prato arrested this morning people were coming and going Are there any "black" visits to a public hospital, as this would emerge from the badumption of a charge that would have led to precautionary measures? "

The invitation to the Region is to" immediately activate an internal investigation to understand how the favorable context of such a situation has been determined, what is missing in the chain of control ". There is also pecuniary damage, according to Marchetti and asks if "the loss of what would have been the regular intramenial activity was calculated".

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