preferred route for complaints


Violence against women, the government approves the red code: an accelerated procedure for complaints

An accelerated procedure for complaints, faster investigations of cases of violence against women and the obligation for prosecutors to listen to victims within three days. And again: training courses specifically designed for the police to know how best to report women who denounce such an act, "committing an act of courage" – as stated by the Minister of Justice Alfonso Bonafede – especially when the torturer is his partners.

This is the heart of the Red Code, the bill approved by the Council of Ministers on proposal of the Minister of Justice and owner of the Department of Public Administration, Giulia Bongiorno. The red code gives priority to the most urgent cases in hospital emergency rooms, as Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte pointed out, who presented this provision at a press conference, each wearing a red bow pinned on the jacket as a sign of solidarity. women victims of violence. The measure aims to counteract a frightening phenomenon, as the statistics show: femicides reach the figure of 150 per year and, according to data from the latest ISTAT report on violence against women, women, about 21% of Italians 4.5 million) were forced to commit badual acts and 1.5 million suffered the most serious violence, rape.

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We want to put an end to the "mbadacre" of women, as Bongiorno pointed out, referring to the people met in his career as a lawyer, "dead" after having unnecessarily denounced his attacker, "because the complaints of the women are underestimated. " And by speeding up a series of crimes – ranging from mistreatment to badual violence, persecution to aggravated wounds in the family, to simple cohabitation – it is also hoped to encourage victims to not suffer in silence. "With this bill, we are also appealing to women: reported," said Bonafede. "Do not be afraid, today, the state is on your side," Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio told Istragram. Not only new rules, but also funding: "have already been recovered from the previous allocation of 33 million euros for 2019 for an ad hoc emergency fund" ad hoc coordinated by the Sub- Secretary for Equal Opportunities, Vincenzo Spadafora ", says Conte. And on this measure, Bongiorno hopes that there is "sharing" even by the opposition. The objectives are correct, but "we are waiting to see the text," said Mara Carfagna (Forza Italia), baduring "a constructive attitude". Lucia Annibali, a member of the Democratic Party on the Justice Commission, was rejected by the intervention, who knows directly about violence against women: "propaganda was again preferred". And if from the Democratic Party, Cosimo Ferri also speaks of a "rule of the manifesto" that does not solve the problems, by another woman of the party, Francesca Puglisi, president of the commission of inquiry on feminicide, an opening: " any provision you are looking for The seriousness of the fight against violence against women is good, "he added, however, asking not to limit the length of the investigations too much, since today "a quarter of complaints are closed because of insufficient evidence".

Last updated: 21:35 © RESERVED COPY

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