Pretoria, the plane crashes on the ground: the dramatic video of the passenger


He resumed the incident, which occurred last week, in which two people died. In danger of death, the pilots were seriously injured

A plane crashed on the outskirts of Pretoria on Tuesday, July 10, all taken by a pbadenger who was on board the plane. Images that show the dramatic moments before the impact on the ground and that spread like wildfire on social media.
The video made by the pbadenger shows the front and the back of the plane that ignites until it is completely destroyed. At this point, the plane begins to crash on the ground before crashing near the residential area of ​​Derdepoort, not far from the Wonderboom Airport.
The aircraft, dating back to 64 years, was a Convair CV -340 and had left the Pretoria Airport for a demonstration flight. On board there were, in addition to the two pilots, 17 people, three Dutch and 14 South Africans. Shortly after takeoff, the left engine of the aircraft caught fire. The vehicle then began to lose altitude while crushing on the ground.
In the accident, a flight engineer lost his life on the spot. Instead, a woman died during hospital transportation. Always between life and death both drivers, while a farmer lost his legs. The pbadenger who took over the incident was injured in a non-serious manner.

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