Primary and primary child competition, as will be the tests. Preselection on logic, legislation and English [ANTEPRIMA]




Publication of the children's contest project and primary school with details on the exam. There will be a pre-selection based on the number of questions that will come after the announcement is posted.

Pre-selective test

A computer preselection test is planned, unique throughout the national territory and aimed at verifying logical skills, text comprehension, knowledge of school regulations as well as knowledge of at least English at B2 level.

Written exam

It will last 180 minutes and will consist of three questions:

  1. for commonplaces, two open questions that deal with the articulated treatment of knowledge and pedagogical-methodological skills in relation to the subjects of primary school teaching and the areas of experience of kindergarten
  2. for support positions, two outstanding issues related to teaching methodologies to apply to different types of disabilities, aimed at badessing knowledge of content and procedures for the integration of students with disabilities into school
  3. for common positions and support, a question divided into eight closed questions, aimed at verifying the comprehension of an English text at least at B2 level.

Oral exam

For commonplaces, the oral exam will focus on subject preparation, as well as on the relative capacity for effective didactic planning, also with regard to ICT.

Supporting teachers will badess competency in disability student support activities to define learning environments, didactic and curricular planning to ensure inclusion and achievement of goals appropriate to potential and different types. disability also through ICT.

The oral exam will also include the badessment of the level of English at B2 level.

Duration 30 minutes

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The table of titles

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