Protests in Nantes, after the police killed a boy


On the evening of Tuesday, July 3, a 22-year-old boy died in Nantes, northwestern France, after a police officer shot him. In the night, in several parts of the city, there were demonstrations and riots that ended after three in the morning.

Jean-Christophe Bertrand, director of local public security, told the story of the events. He said that it all started in the Breil District, during an ordinary inspection of a car carried out following a series of infractions. The identity of the motorist was not clear and the police were ordered to bring the driver to the police station. He, pretending to get out of the car, would have rather reversed and hit a policeman, who was slightly injured in the knees. At that time, "one of his colleagues shot and hit the young man, who is unfortunately dead." It is not yet clear, as some newspapers write, if the boy was wanted by the police. However, he was reportedly hit by the carotid artery and died on his arrival at the hospital.

The version of some witnesses, however, is very different. According to the story of an anonymous person reported by the Nantes Revoltée movement and other French newspapers, the boy stopped by car "was already motionless, the policeman arrived and told him shot at close range, shot him in the neck while he was motionless and could not do anything anymore. [I poliziotti] walked around the neighborhood in search of someone and suddenly they were there. [Il poliziotto] lost his temper, he shot, they did not even try to help him for first aid, they did not do anything […]. lost his life in front of me.There was no wounded policeman, nobody. "The Nantes prosecutor, Pierre Sennès, said that an investigation had been opened to understand the circumstances that led to the Officer to use his weapon.

The announcement of the boy's death immediately provoked clashes in the neighborhood of Breil-Barberie, between police who used tear gas and a group of people with Molotov badtails: cars were burned and violence is also prevalent in other parts of Nantes. The buildings were damaged, barricades were built and the town hall, library and shops were set on fire. Several women left the house to try to stop the revolt, but failed. Firefighters worked until three in the morning, when the situation came back under control.

Riots in Nantes. Wake up coal at the Dervalllières

– West-France 44 (@WestFrance44) 4 July 2018

Johanna Rolland The socialist mayor of Nantes said: "My first thought is for this young man who died, for his family and for all the inhabitants of this neighborhood, our neighborhoods.The police and justice in his independence will have to clarify the total transparency on this that happened tonight. "Rolland added that" the urgency of this evening is to appeal to calm in our neighborhoods. "A resident of Nantes questioned on Ouest-France said, "What do you want – they are young, that's their way of expressing their anger.This is not the solution for burning neighborhoods and shops." But anger is there : the truth about the boy's death must come out. "

More kalash shots in Nantes

– Vince dsb (@vincedsb) July 3, 2018

According to The World There Was No Arrest for The Night's Protests last. Nearly 200 police officers have been mobilized in the Breil neighborhood to enhance security

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