Quirinal Salvini talks about the funds that Mattarella blocks: I take note


N on can not help, Matteo Salvini. Before the interview with Sergio Mattarella ends and he returns to the Viminale, suddenly changes the score: "You will have seen, President, that we in the League now have this problem of funds seized.A very delicate problem that could paralyze our political activity and even … "The head of state raises his right hand and blocks the reasoning of the guest:" I take note of it. "" But … "Salvini insists "I take note", the tenant of the Glue again syllables.Three words that are a stop and imply a speech that the leader of the Carroccio already knew: I can not do anything, ask me nothing, Let us close it here. Therefore, no thought on the expectations of extending the arguments of the meeting to the conviction with which the Supreme Court ordered the seizure of 49 million euros from the League ( following the conviction of Umberto Bossi in the first instance for aggravated fraud), unleashed a controversy against the judiciary. The idea of ​​talking about it indirectly, to bypbad the issue of the verdict itself and to propose the question of its consequences, is a ploy that does not work with the head of state.

The Game of Cunning

In fact, he liquidates the interlocutor because he does not want to be questioned in a confrontation between politics and justice. The law does not provide for a fourth degree of judgment, even if one thinks of entrusting it to the President of the Republic. Which, however, if you allow yourself to get involved in such a conflict (all the more so as it has been dramatized as a vulnus democracy), would slip into interference with another power? ;State. In truth, at Quirinale a little "so planned, the trickery game of Salvini.It was also understandable that despite the perimeter of face-to-face – even with an unofficial note – the issues traditionally at the order of the day of a Minister of the Interior and Deputy Chairman of the Council, the "captain" of the Northern League the owner of the dispute, to bring him perhaps by his side. [19659004] "On the right track"

Gently, but firmly, dismissed, adapted to institutional style, this time to the point that, to the journalists who asked him if he had managed to talk to Mattarella of the fateful sentence, he replied, "There is a question between me and him.I can only tell you that it was a useful meeting for both of you.Positive, constructive, projected towards the future. 39, one takes care of the past, I think me and the President of the Republic today we dealt with the aven ir, with satisfaction of both ". Curiously they express themselves more or less like that in Quirinale, evoking a relationship "on the right track", calm. A mirroring with the vulgate of the Northern League. Almost like Salvini, when he badumes the role of the government man, moves in a very different way than when he is a party propagandist. Which means, in this case, that he is now ready to give up a flag of this game and, if anything, wants to focus more and more on the duties of his ministry. It's immigration, security, terrorism, confiscation of property of the mafia, Libya unknown. According to Carroccio sources, it seems that Mattarella's recommendation to calm down, the leader of the League has apologized for some of his outings. "He is right, President, they depend a little on my character, but also on some attacks that I have, with accusations of all kinds, often related to this money case in which I have nothing to see with anything. "

9 July 2018 (Amendment 9 July 2018 | 22:47) [19659007] © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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