Racism, in the M5S mounts the anti-Salvini slingshot


In the Movement Five Stars the tension increases. Or rather, intolerance towards the positions of the League's power ally. Matteo Salvini for the "left" part of the party led by the uncertain Luigi Di Maio

The M5S political leader continues to hold out, showing loyalty to the ally . When the tenant of Viminale decided to close the ports to Ong Gigino followed him. He did not beat and aligned himself in the wake of the bulldozer of the Northern League. Even then, he was mounting the irritation of the interior fronts commanded, at least ideally, by Roberto Fico.

The Speaker of the House has never failed to express his positions on the reception and openness to migrants. . Even today, while in Italy controversy erupted in the case of the blue athlete attacked at Moncalieri with egg shells, Fico fell in front of Montecitorio to meet pro activists. -immigration of the group "Red Hands". And in front of them has moved away from the salvian line over Libya: if the Interior Minister praises the work done by the Tripoli Coast Guard by intercepting the boats to bring them back, the grill considers it absurd the possibility of leave migrants in Libya. Divergence of views, it is obvious. But this could cost the Movement an internal fracture. In fact, for some time, there has been some resentment for the flattening of Di Maio at the line of Lega .

For Salvini, the attack on Daisy Osakue and the murder of an African in Latina are two deplorable episodes, but he does not exist – he says – of racist emergencies. For Di Maio "the number of cases is in line with the past", so critics of the government are instrumental. Translated: He is with the League. But the other pentastellates?

Those who expected the whole colorful Grillina galaxy to line up on its political leader were mistaken. "The news of another racist violence can not leave us in silence – attacked indeed Spadafora – Each of us, starting from the political world, has the responsibility to create a barrier to these unacceptable and cowardly episodes ". Spadafora never mentions Salvini, but the message seems to be directed directly to him when he urges the government to stop "burning the fire with slogans and bogeys, which belong to the dark times of our democracy". A reference, not very veiled, to this "a lot of enemies, so much honor" tweeted yesterday by the minister of the Northern League and harshly criticized by all the left.

Politics is made up of more veiled messages than direct ones and in that the grillini seem to have learned a good lesson. That is why the Minister of Justice, Alfonso Bonafede says that "Italy is not the Wild West" (Mattarella cit) and that "those who believe they can to do justice alone have a bad country ", it becomes difficult to imagine that the recipient of such statements is not the colleague Salvini. All the while, while rejecting the possibility of "blaming the current government for more or less political responsibility for episodes of racism," Bonafede calls for "a moral and political condemnation of these episodes. which should not take place ". After all, once again, about NGOs, he had shown a certain distance from the Salvinian position.

Another that seems to have already been recorded in the anti-Salvini grillini frigate is Matteo Mantero . The senator, although declaring himself "convinced that Italians are not racist and that certain episodes have probably occurred before", does not hide "that there is a political responsibility in what is happening and that the painting continue the different as the cause of all evils, by those who speculate on these themes to go to vote or sell other copies, give courage to these ignorant racists to emerge in the sunlight with vile acts and ashamed of this kind ". And as if that were not enough, even Lorenzo Fioramonti, Undersecretary of Education, did not send him to say: "In Italy, there is now an urgency of racism, as has been the case in the past. weigh the words, because they create the effect of customs clearance and imitation. "In short: not everyone is willing to die (politically) with Salvini Di Maio is advised.

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