Radiocor News – Economy – Borsa Italiana


Possible Weight War Rights in Trusted Markets and Businesses

(Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor Plus) – Milan, July 16 – Short
period "the momentum of the US economy is destined to
to last, "also thanks to the strengthening of the dollar.
However, in a context where unemployment is lower
4% but markets see rising interest rates
slower than expected by the federal
Reserve, "the increase in inflation could lead to
a sudden change in the badessment of fundamentals and risks
investors. "That's what we read
in the update of the World Economic Outlook, the report
on the global economy published last April, the Fund
international monetary policy, which left estimates unchanged
of US growth to + 2.9% in 2018 and + 2.7%
2019. The IMF has, however, reported that "the escalation of the
trade tensions could undermine business confidence
and financial markets, curbing investment and trade. "
According to the Washington Institute, "the momentum of the economy
American will temporarily increase "and" a
fiscal stimulus, combined with robust final demand,
it will increase production above the potential e
to reduce unemployment below the observed levels
fifty years ago, creating inflationary pressures ".
In addition, imports will increase in parallel with
internal demand, which could increase the deficit
current account and aggravate global imbalances. "


(RADIOCOR) 16-07-18 16:01:25 (0396) 5 NNNN

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