Radiocor News – Finance – Borsa Italiana


– Milan: EDF – Digital Economy Forum – The future
of Tomorrow, organized by Facebook and Youth
Entrepreneurs of Confindustria. 9:00 am Attend, among
others, Alessandro Benetton, founder and president of
21 investments; Eugenio Sidoli, President and CEO Philip
Morris Italia; Giorgio De Rita, director of the post office;
Davide Casaleggio, President of Casaleggio Associati; Matthew
Lunelli, president and a.d. Caves Ferrari; Enrico Moretti
Polegato, president of Diadora; Sergio Dompe & # 39; President
Dompe & # 39; Group; Simone Ungaro, Founder and CEO of Movendo
technology; Luca Colombo, Country Director Facebook Italy;
Alessio Rossi, President of Young Entrepreneurs
Confindustria. At MiCo, Via Gattamelata, 5.
– Milan: meeting A2A "Contemporary urban routes:
from the 2030 Agenda to the Sustainable City. "9:30.
Giovanni Valotti, president, among others
A2A; Valerio Camerano, AD Group A2A. Palazzo Clerici,
via Clerici, 5.
– Milan: presentation of the Director Chiomenti e
Digital innovation 9:30 Via Giuseppe Verdi, 2.
– Milan: inauguration of the new headquarters of Italferr. 11:30
Participant, among others, Giuseppe Sala, Mayor of
Milano; Renato Mazzoncini, from Ferrovie dello Stato
Italian; Riccardo Maria Monti, president of Italferr; Carlo
Carganico, Italferr. Via Scarsellini, 14.
– Milan: round table "The seven deadly sins
of the Italian economy ", organized by Dla Piper on the
Carlo Cottarelli's book. 18.30. Take part, among
others, Jean Marie Del Bo, Il Sole 24 Ore; Carlo
Cottarelli, Catholic University and Bocconi. via della
Post, 7.
– Rome: meeting organized by Enel on the occasion of
presentation of the New Energy Outlook 2018. 9h00.
Participates, among others, Francesco Starace, a.d. and d.
Enel. Viale Regina Margherita, 125.
– Rome: the blow of sending of the "National services in conference"
Network "organized by the ICFTU 9:00 am Participate, among the
others, Annamaria Furlan, general secretary Cisl; Luigi Di
Maio Vice President of the Cabinet, Minister
economic development, labor and policies
Social. Mbadimo Auditorium. The work ends on the 5th
– Rome: presentation of the new application "Resto al Sud". hours
11.30. Participants, among others, Domenico Arcuri, a.d di
Invitalia; Barbara Lezzi, Minister of the South.
Calabria, 46.
– Rome: presentation of Fabrizio Ricci's book
"Conversation with Fabrizio Rici, a trip to Italy
uneven. "4:30 pm Participates, among others, Susanna
Camusso, Secretary General of the CGIL. In Cgil, Sala Santi,
Corso d 'Italia, 25.
– Rome: meeting of Aspen Institute Italia and CESI "It
energy future: innovation, technology, geopolitics ".
18.30. Paolo Savona, among others, participates
Minister of European Affairs and Vice President of Aspen
Institute Italy; Giulio Tremonti, President of Aspen
Institute Italy; Gianni Girotto, President of the Commission
Industry, Senate of the Republic. Piazza Navona, 114.
– Paris: Ocse-Fao report on agriculture.
– Bucharest: Peter Praet, member of the Executive Board
Bce, attends National Bank Gala Dinner
Romania. 18h00


(RADIOCOR) 03-07-18 07:20:20 (0010) PA 5 NNNN

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