Rai: announces Salini, Marcello Foa president: Salvini: "Finally different voices" – Politics


Treasury Minister Tria proposed to the HOM the name of Fabrizio Salini as Rai and Marcello Foa as administrator. The latter will be voted by the Supervisory Committee for the post of president of the radio and television company.

"Today, we are launching a cultural revolution." We are now freeing ourselves from the recommended parasites, "at Rai". Thus, Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio, at the end of the Council of Ministers, introduces journalists to the choice of names by the Rai government, Marcello Foa, president and Fabrizio Salini Ad

"We are working on the many open issues , many The problems we face in these first 50 days of government, "said Di Maio

" Finally, there will be many different voices in Rai.It will not only remain the voice of the Renziana , but many different voices ". This is what Interior Minister Matteo Salvini said, arriving in Fontevivo (Parma) for the celebration of Lega Emilia. And critics of the opposition on public service appointments? "Those of the Democratic Party are really fruitful, I wish them an august of serenity and relaxation because they need it," said Salvini

"I am proud and enthusiastic about the appointment to the post of President Rai, who arrived unexpectedly in the space of a few hours. I sincerely thank Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini and Luigi di Maio, the Under-Secretary for the Presidency Giancarlo Giorgetti, the Minister of Economy Giovanni Tria for the confidence that I have been granted. "Marcello Foa writes about Fb." I pledge to reform Rai in the name of meritocracy and to a public service very close to the interests and needs of Italian citizens. "& # 39; & # Since the time of my teacher Indro Montanelli – adds Marcello Foa – I have engaged in an intellectually honest and independent journalism and from today I renew this moral commitment towards journalists and all Rai's badociates. "A big thank you to the Corriere del Ticino Group – he concludes – for these wonderful years spent together. It was an honor, I leave with emotion a great team.

& # 39; & # 39; Rai is a great company owned by citizens, full of personality, creativity and resources. My task will be to put them all in value in order to offer a product that reflects Italian excellence with a diversified, broad and stimulating content ". To write on his profile Fb is Fabrizio Salini, indicated as a new advertisement of Rai. & # 39; & # 39; But Rai is not an island: international relations, as well as the promotion of local products, are an essential part of his mission. Thank you for the trust that has been given me, and I thank the employees and managers of Rai for what they did and for what we do together, "says Salini

" in accordance the provisions of the law and the statutes. Designations already made by Parliament and society, for the renewal of the Board of Directors of Rai, the Minister of Economy and Finance, Giovanni Tria, proposed to the Council of Ministers the following names: Fabrizio Salini , stating for the position of Deputy Director, and Marcello Foa for the office of the Board member, here is what we read in a note from the Ministry of Economy: the chairman of the board Giuseppe Conte does not hide his satisfaction, which in a tweet applauds the revival of the company with the new appointment

For the #Rai we made our choice with Fabrizio Salini and Marcello Foa we guarantee the revival of the main cultural industry of the country.

– GiuseppeConte (@GiuseppeConteIT) July 27, 2018

Anzaldi, appointments against the law, we vote no – "No appointment guaranteed: Salvini and Di Maio go against the law and militarize the Rai with a partition without Tria and Conte not received The Democratic Party will vote against and will fight hard with all available means to defend the independence of the information ". Democratic Party MP Michele Anzaldi, secretary of the RAI Supervisory Commission, writes on Facebook. "Foa is a follower of Salvini – continues Anzaldi – while Salini was the La7 announcement at the time when Cairo television was turned into a long talk show M5s against Renzi and the Democratic Party, their wild subdivision. "

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