Rai, President Foa's candidate has ended in the storm also for vaccines: "Now I will turn the page"


Pacato in the tracks and rough in the stuff, when he attacks the euro and the EU on his blog; polite even if starring on YouTube against the effectiveness of vaccines on children; aggressive when, at the conclusion of the consultations, he denounces a foreign television channel not hostile to Russia that the head of state would have manipulated the comments of Prime Minister Conte on Europe.

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Foa, tweets against Mattarella and critics of Burioni on vaccines

Certainly – now that 72 hours are missing at the session of the Vigilance Commission that could crown him as president of RAI in Lega's quota, with Forza Italia's unselfish petition – journalist Marcello Foa has become more cautious. I just returned to Italy after a family party on a Greek island, the former correspondent of Giornale measures steps and words.

And to say that around him was formed a unanimous consensus was interviewed by an editorial that knows very well, that of Corriere del Ticino who for years was director general of the editorial group of the same name. Then, to put a patch on premature self-proclamation on the seventh floor of viale Mazzini (the practice still has to pbad the examination of the council and supervision), Foa said: Thursday night, I have been contacted by Rome and I was asked for availability to occupy a very prestigious position in Rai, probably that of president … This was not yet the official proposal … I thought it would take still more time … instead of Friday morning, to my surprise, I received a phone call.

Marcello Foa told his colleagues of Corriere del Ticino but during the day, his other angular interventions appeared. Beyond the attacks against the President of the Republic – the insinuations on the manipulations attributed to the Hill feed the frozen silence of the Quirinal also because the author of the test was formulated How l & # 39; 39, information is made in the service of governments – now a very dubious intervention of the Italian-Swiss journalist on the effectiveness of vaccines emerges from the memory of the Network. The virologist Roberto Burioni found it, which retrieved an interview granted to the site Informarexresistere . In which Foa reminds that vaccines are not mandatory in Switzerland … People can choose not to be vaccinated and yet the population is not particularly sick.

According to Burioni, the president of Rai Marcello Foa tells lies about vaccines, those of cavemen, ignorant and selfish anti-vaccine activists. On health, he needs correct information, not the spread of deadly bullets with gun money. During his long career as a journalist and essayist, Foa devotes himself above all to foreigners claiming that He has never dealt with domestic politics. And yet, during the Quirinale consultations for the formation of the yellow-green government, the journalist who enjoys the esteem of Matteo Salvini spent a lot of time on Twitter and on international television to plead the cause of the M5S and of the League against the Quirinal

And now that one step from the finish line it is possible to imagine that Foa will be more miserable than the comments: Now turned the page, with the intention of renewing Rai and bringing him back to his past glory, not only journalistic but also in general … I've always been a journalist and from now on my pbadion will be even greater to allow the Rai's colleagues to work in the best way possible. More than 72 hours and then we will know if Foa's is a perfect prophecy

July 28, 2018 (change July 28, 2018 | 23:12)


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