Rai rendezvous, the square is still not found. Tension on the president and Tg1


On the diagram of the "big division" the Office of Supervision explodes, at its first convocation. With President Alberto Barachini asking for "compliance with the rules" on RAI and summoning ministers Tria and Di Maio to the hearing. Because, according to the law, it is the responsibility of the general manager to appoint the heads of the newspapers, while the board of directors has a binding opinion by a two-thirds majority. And, that is the subtext, there had never been any negotiation at Palazzo Chigi on the whole package, with the choice of the new director at the same time as the directors of the Tg A method that links the new to be, in fact, the executor of the parties' choices.

The fallout of this tightening with oppositions is a problem "upstream", on the presidency because the president must be voted by two-thirds of vigilance (26 votes), and therefore need a sharing with the Oppositions: "The point – explain the sources close to the record – is that Lega and Five stars have not found, at the top of Palazzo Chigi, a place between them on appointments and they have not proposed to the others an orderly negotiation on a shared name ". The unresolved problem remains the name of Giovanna Bianchi Clerici, a former member of the League several decades ago, already in an era Rai Rai Berlusconi, complicated to digest for a piece of the Five Stars who, in the secret of the urn, could blow it up. Then on the name, and this is not a detail, a serious negotiation with Forza Italia has not been initiated. Not to mention the Democratic Party that does not see him as a guarantor. To get out of the stalemate, after the name of Giancarlo Mazzi circulated for this office, in one of those confused days where everyone is talking to everyone, even that of Giovanni Minoli, who could certainly be appreciated by Forza Italia and Pd (who he wanted as a board member). But the solution is impracticable: "You need a woman – the same sources continue – because the law says that two-thirds of the board must be female.There are two, you need at least the third. And so one must look for, an alternative woman to Bianchi Clerici. "

It's time until Friday, the day the shareholders' meeting is called, to dial the pacchettone, which" downstream " currently contains another obstacle that seems insurmountable. Tg1 is the ground of the underground battle in the majority. Salvini, a skilled negotiator, has tied the green light to everything else, with, of course, the Tgr. The "dream name" of the government populism is Mario Giordano, the former director of Tg4, removed from the Mediaset screens because he is too sovereign. Complicated, for the Five Stars, gives up the box not giving up claiming the weight of the first party in power. The question of other networks, the other Tg and also the "bands" of greatest listening remains open in a mixer of names and badumptions that flee the palaces of politics. Milena Gabanelli who remains a strong name for Tg1, but also for a program, immediately after the Tg, in the group that was of Enzo Biagi

In the middle, there is the question of the general manager. The only certainty is that now the rose is limited to three names. And in-depth discussions take place with the people directly involved. According to the well-informed, the tension with Salvini reportedly brought down quotes from Fabrizio Salini, who also appreciates Di Maio's esteem and also Tria's appreciation. While those of Andrea Castellari (Viacom International Media Networks Italy) go up and Marcello Ciannamea, the schedule director of the program, remains stable. But the same, well informed, accustomed to negotiations, their tactics and their back and forth suggest, to steer in the fog, to keep the Tg1 as a compbad. Once there is a square, if not on the name of the part to which it belongs, the rest is closed in a minute

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