Rai, smoky black: no agreement between M5S and Lega, battle on Tg1


Rai counted days. Supervision, board of directors, general manager, president expired or expiring. President Fico had set the maximum limit for the nomination of candidates by the parties and today the board of directors will decide the date of the election of the internal member Rai. On July 11th, the Mise will have to indicate the name of the general manager, not to mention the match in Parliament. Burning declarations and crossed vetoes weigh on everything.

The tension, both in Viale Mazzini and in Saxa Rubra, is cut off with a knife, the agreement is not there and the American model, in fact, a Netflix to the l '; Italian dreamed by Di Maio, is complicated to achieve without a preventive modernization that leads the company to be free to move on the market. A revolution for generalist television that goes beyond easy farewells to subdivisions in the honor of meritocracy. "Phrases that contradict the reality – says Arturo Diaconale of the board of directors – the members are elected by the government, the House and the Senate, there is no more political elections than this ".

Yet, if the agreement is not there, it can be found. Many "new Rai" were composed at the end of July, there are also times formal steps in Supervision. As long as there is harmony in the majority. An impenetrable road that Lega and M5S are trying to revive. The pentastellati ask the CEO and propose the director of the first shared newspaper, Tg2 to the League and Tg3 to them. The League warmly welcomes and raises: M5S wants the general manager? For us, Tg1 and Tg2. However, it is likely that in the complicated subdivision of network managers and the leader, in September the war for war for the sake of merit happens for a good peace of mind.

One thing is certain, while Salvini has many names to his bow that can be pulled when and how he wants, because pentastellati find long-standing faithful is almost impossible unless you rely on grillini & # 39; ; last hour, many are true but not very reliable.

Given that Vigilanza and Copasir traveled together and that, as usual, the presidency is entrusted to the minority, it seems that the first goes to Forza Italia with Paolo Romani and the Committee of Control of Services to the PD with Lorenzo Guerini.

Returning to the upper floors of the Viale Mazzini, the names dear to the pentastellati continue to be those of Carlo Freccero, Ferruccio De Bortoli and Milena Gabanelli to the presidency. The new entries among the candidates eligible for the presidency are Gianmarco Muzzi, a partner of Lucio Presta and very introduced in Rai, and Fabio Vaccarono, currently Italian director of Google. to be thrown. The league would not see Fabrizio Del Noce in a superior position. A bit because he's a great expert on Rai things to have played different roles over the years, a bit because very close to Elisa Isoardi, Piedmontese at a time, longtime friends and director Del Noce greatly appreciated. Also for this reason if ever the first network had to go to the League, these would already be in the availability of Ludovico Di Meo, worker, whom Isoardi had always wanted to side with him in the important stage who sees driving the most popular transmission of general viewers.

But the great battle does not stop there. Gennaro Sangiuliano was very much loved by the Lega, for years he was deputy director of Tg1 and a great friend of Salvini. Yesterday, the minister presented in Milan the last writing of Sangiuliano on Trump. Sangiuliano, aware of the fact that he should be shared, is already getting closer to Di Maio, both Neapolitan, with parents of the same political faith and seems to be a footballer.

Alternatively, the name of Mario Giordano should always be pbaded on a collision course with the old Cav. For Tg3 we are talking about Alberto Matano, an image man: doing the director could express his task to Berlinguer, ie to mark his new with the constant presence on the video. Even if the M5S according to the principle of meritocracy can not remove Luca Mazzà who worked well on Tg3.

After years of government Pd, the excluded pushed, like Gianni Scipione Rossi, who could be recovered. Galloni as director also for Nicola Rao and Paolo Corsini, still center-right.

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