Rai, summit at Palazzo Chigi. On the table the list of candidates Ad: Salini, Castellari and Ciannamea


Here are the names on which M5S and Lega will compete these last hours. In the background also the directors of Network and Tg

From left to right: Fabrizio Salini, Andrea Castellari and Marcello Ciannamea


Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte sitting at the table, at Palazzo Chigi the two Deputy Prime Ministers Luigi Di Maio and Matteo Salvini and the Minister of Economy Giovanni Tria. And, at the top of the ranking, filter the names of the trio on which M5S and Lega will face in the last hours for the position of CEO of Viale Mazzini: Fabrizio Salini, close to M5S, Andrea Castellari and Marcello Ciannamea. the climate is good, there is a certain awareness, "explain the sources of government.But to lead the meeting in Palazzo Chigi is a network of vetos crossed which, until now, has blocked the negotiations between M5S and Lega. "With Tria who, in the morning, seems to be curbing Salvini's activism." His encounters with candidates S & # 39; it is necessary to meet someone to reinforce his beliefs, that does not mean that this may affect the choices of the competent minister ", explains at the press conference the owner of the Mef

the directors of the Network and the Tg
The negotiation, although it relates directly to the CEO and the president of RAI, also extends to network managers and directors of the Tg, from that of the flagship network (RaiUno), "intended" for the first part, or the M5S, but on which Salvini has decided to aim in these last hours. which could slow down the timing of a global agreement. Because to a global agreement (between the president and the chiefs of titles) both parties aim, without dangerous stadium decisions. What could come out of the top of Palazzo Chigi – but other episodes in the coming hours are not excluded – could be a system "system" agreement that, from the AD box, would fall on the managing all public information

Salini on pole
And for the role held up to here by Mario Orfeo, in the evening the 4 participants in the summit try to tighten up. The name on pole for the announcement role always seems to be that of Salini. The CEO has appreciated by Di Maio and received with some coldness in the circles of the League (with the suspicion of the proximity of the world Renziano), but still considered an esteemed and "external" manager by the party world. Regarding the two alternatives, Andrea Castellari is currently head of Viacom International, while Marcello Ciannamea is the current program director.

The Presidency
No less complicated the game for Rai's presidency than, as provided in the original scheme, this should be to the league. The name initially proposed, that of the former head of parliament Giovanna Bianchi Clerici, continues to not convince much of the Movement, starting with the one that refers to the President of the House, Roberto Fico. While he is at Gianmarco Mazzi, near An and already artistic director of the Sanremo Festival, there is some coldness in FI. The doubts of the blues are mainly centered on the role of partner of Lucio Presta who had in the past Mazzi: a role, one explains, which could potentially constitute a conflict of potential interests. Tomorrow, in the meantime, the extended Vigilance Bureau has been called and the name of the potential president has come up: on this name, however, 2/3 of the commission is needed. An ok on which members M5S and Lega are not enough.

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