Real estate: for Nomisma to resume its investments


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Compared to the vivacity of some economic indicators recorded in 2017, this year the markets have a less dynamic trend, but the signs of recovery are numerous. This is what emerges from the reading of the II Real Estate Market Report of the Observatory Nomisma, presented today in Rome at the Piazza San Silvestro Post

Meanwhile, in addition to sales, the potential demand increases: up to 2.6 million families today would like to buy a home. Eighty percent would need a mortgage whose grant is however subject to certain conditions and guarantees. It is precisely this difficulty of access to credit which has the effect of supporting the rental market whose prices rise much faster than housing. "In addition, the share of purchases made for investment purposes has increased – said Luca Dondi, CEO of Nomisma – from 6.1% in 2017 to 15.4% of interest events in 2018 ". However, it remains excluded from the possibility of buying a house of more than 35 percent of Italians

Referring to the great social changes, Carlo Petagna, Ad di Sorgente Sgr, stressed the need for operators of s & Adapt to the new demand. Globalization, technological change, demographic changes make basic needs such as badistance, environmental sustainability, circular economy: "With Sorgente Sgr, we reorient the investment strategy with proposals for renewable sources sectors, infrastructure, credit support through alternative financing platforms for small and medium-sized enterprises ". Petagna, in particular, presented a study conducted jointly with Nomisma, italy2invest, on the role of Italian cities in real estate development and the ability to attract the international capital market, an information tool designed for investors and policymakers as an instrument of knowledge of territorial dynamics.

Stefano Mantella, Director of Real Estate Strategies and Innovation Agency Demanio, also stressed the centrality of knowledge and information on existing real estate. rationalizing and redeveloping the sixty billion worth of public buildings managed by the Agency out of a total of 263.

Carlo De Vito, President of FS Sistemi Urbani, emphasized the efforts of his organization to create links between the Italian cities thanks to high speed which are at the base of great urban transformations ane. "One of the novelties of those years, for which we have worked so hard, is the centrality of the stations: BNP Paribas and Unicredit have established their offices next to the Roma Tiburtina and Milano Porta Garibaldi intersections respectively."

The panel also included industry players such as Alberto Panfilo, Ad of Europa Gestioni Immobiliari, Paolo Scordino, Development Director of DeA Captial Real Estate SGR, Luca Talluri, President of Federcasa, Giorgio Pieralli of Spain. Assoimmobiliare and Federica Selleri of CRIF

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